Speak of the devil

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30 minutes later and Stephen decided it was time to go to bed. He'd still get enough sleep, so sleeping at the hour he did didn't bother him.

He levitated to his room, so he wouldn't bother anyone. once he reached his room, he signaled the cloak to go the corner it would normally stay at, and he went to the restroom.

He washed his face and sighed, he would have taken a shower, but it was midnight, it would seem a bit odd at this time.

He then brushed his teeth, his eyes slightly closing. he finished up and looked at himself in the mirror.

he felt sick, he leaned one way, he leaned the other. Part of the guilt could be taken by that horrid toothbrush. But that's besides the point.  The cloak noticed Stephen's strange behavior and got concerned.

All of a sudden, Stephen fell unconscious. Luckily the cloak caught him and placed him on the bed, just before disaster.

In all honesty, he didn't want to make a big deal out of it, the cloak just assumed that he was awfully tired so he let him rest.

The next morning:

"Good morning everyone!" Steve said in enthusiasm, his smile soon turned into a frown.

"Why did I think this morning would any different than any other." He groaned. 

The reason behind this, is because there were only three early birds in the towers which include Steve, Natasha, and Stephen.

"good morning Steve, well you're partially right, there's one of us missing."

"Stephen hasn't wakened up yet?" Steve asked.

"That's weird, that's not like Stephen at all," Natasha said, soon shrugging it off.

"hm. want some coffee?"

"sure. thanks"

Their morning continued, while they waiting for the rest of the crew to wake up, they'd usually wait until 11:00 am sometimes till noon.

A few minutes later, Thor got up.

"About time, where's Bruce?" Nat asked.

"good morning, Bruce is still asleep, he didn't get much sleep last night." Thor said with his musky morning voice, and right when you thought his voice couldn't get any deeper. 

"oh I see." Nat shrugged gently. 

"wait, there's something off, where's the wizard?" He said raising his eyebrows. 

"still asleep I assume, he's normally the first to wake up."

"I may get the metal man to go check on him," Thor huffed at his own comment and started to imagine what that could be like. Tony actually doing something nice for Stephen

Nat giggled "Are you sure that would be for the best."

"merely yesterday, they almost killed each other." Steve added.

"Maybe, but that's how it starts then they'll find out something about each other that is touching, like the wizards' hands or metal man's arc reactor, and then something beautiful will bloom out of the disaster they live in today," Thor said, sipping coffee afterward, feeling accomplished 

Nat and Steve were both speechless, eyes sparkling in awe.

Who knew the Asgardian was going to be the wise one.

"Woah, Thor, teach me your ways," Natasha said bowing before him.

Thor laughed, "sure, you Midgardians don't know much do you?"

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