The face of all evil

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Stephen finally decided to leave all the events that occurred in the past, so he did. it really helped to talk to Wanda, as a matter of fact speaking to anyone was better than dealing with Tony.

The thing was that having a whole lot of people in one place wasn't going to be easy, especially if you liked to meditate liked Stephen.

People who meditate:

1. Don't like loud places

2. Can't handle loud people AKA. tony

3. They like peace and quiet

4. Like the dark

5. Like to avoid distractions

6. Like to avoid people who can't think before they act.

in other words, everything tony was, Stephen didn't like.

even after acknowledging all of these things, Stephen still thought tony had a chance at changing, he needed to believe that or else he wouldn't do anything.

Stephen was currently sitting on the couch, like a normal person, and guess who comes by and spills eggnog everywhere...

"STARK!" Stephen yelled, making everyone in the room go quiet.

"Hey, I'm sorry okay?"

"There are several people on this couch, yet you happen to randomly soak me in eggnog, like what?!"

"I said I was sorry."

"It doesn't seem like you care at all."

"well you got one thing right, I don't do anything without thinking anymore." tony gave him a grin and gave him a wink.

"why you!" Stephen rushed to get him, in that immediate second tony starts to dash through the crowd, and above the tables.

"I find it useless to run stark, I'll catch you either way!"

"what are you gonna do? huh? catch me with your magical portals." tony laughs in amusement

"no, I was just gonna get my cloak to hang you, but throwing you into the mirror dimension through my portals seems more fun. thanks for the suggestion."

"Why don't we just go with option one?"

Stephen groans in annoyment.

"Alright stop!" peter yelled across the room. making Stephen and tony feel guilty.

"I-I mean if you want to..." peter said shyly after yelling

"oh Peter, I'm so sorry," Stephen says.

"it's okay Mr. Strange."

"it's doc-." Stephen tried to say before being rudely interrupted by you know who.

"doctor, yea who cares." tony said abruptly

"I do! you weren't the one who got a Ph.D.!"

"Oh yea? you wanna play who's the smart ass now?"

"at least I tried-" peter said going to Natasha who patting the kid's back.

"Alright, knock it off you two, seriously twice in one night." steve said massaging his temple

"This is getting extreme." bruce said as he stood next to Thor.

"but he started it, this isn't going to end here magical ass."

"Woah Woah Woah, hold it for just a minute, how in the bloody hell did I start this, you were the one, with your clumsy ass who spilled eggnog everywhere, how could I possibly started this nightmare."

"hm, I don't know, where do I start?"

Stephen groaned at him in anger getting ready to choke him again.

"Stephen, stop, we've been through this once already," Wanda said.

Stephen sighed and contained himself, he'd cause enough trouble already with Tony who wasn't even near worth his time.

"you're right Wanda, I'm sorry everyone, I should act more like an adult, I should of never let this, this son of a b-"

"Okay! Okay! anyway..." rhodey interrupted.

"thank you, Stephen, for your apology and a slight insult to tony, good night everyone." steve said.

wow, the day flew, just like that.

everyone began to gather their things, the guardian began to board their ship to continue their mission to space. t'challa and Shuri headed back to Wakanda along with Okoye. and the rest of them stayed at the tower where they lived.

peter quill turned back towards the crowd and announced this:

"Hey everyone, my good friends Groot here wants to say some words before we go."

"I am Groot, I am Groot, I am Groot , I am Groot!"


"Hello my name is Groot, and the lights were my favorite part, and tell those two to get a room!"

only the guardians of the galaxy and Thor were laughing at the last part of that comment. since they were the only ones who could even understand the tree.

"good one tree." thor said

"I am Groot!" replied the tree.

"Alright that's it, have a good night, people." quill finished off as he boards the ship and descended into space.

"alright that was interesting," Steve said.

everyone went to their rooms except for Stephen and Tony.

Stephen headed to the kitchen, using his magic to reach the green tea, from the high cabinets.

tony looked in astonishment as Stephen used his magic, "now that's cool."


"your magic."

"oh, yeah it's fascinating I guess"

"It really is, how do you do it?"

"it's a long story."

"I'm all ears."

"I don't know, it's late, I have to pass by the sanctum for book and-"

Stephen noticed tony getting up.

"where are you going?"

"to bed."

"hm, okay then"

'Damnit, Stephen, this was your chance to talk to him and get things straight with him.' he thought to himself.

"good night tony."

this startled him, did the wizard just call him by his first name?"

"Looks like the wizard has a soft side."

"Uh sure whatever good night."


In Tony's head he was like,
"Ugh, was I being 'NiCe to the wizard."

But his heart said otherwise.

Stephen felt the same.

There was a point in time, where Stephen did like tony, and a lot, but then the words in his mind kept telling him to not make it obvious, so he started to be 'rude' but then Stephen got an effect to his actions and saw how much of a jerk tony could be. Ever since then Stephen hasn't liked the dude.

The night went by, there were clear skies tonight. Stephen sipped his cup of green tea while looking out the many windows of the tower.

The stars shined bright.

Stephen's tea got cooler and cooler as the night went on.

The time was 12:43 pm and Stephen was still awake.

He didn't feel like sleeping at all.

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