Wait what?

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'We'll talk at the tower' those were her last words, she's on her way right now." steve said crossing his arms.

the crew was concerned about the wizard but didn't show as much interest as Wanda and Loki.

"what do you think Wong told them?" nat asked.

"I'm not sure but whatever it is it can't be good." steve replied lowering his gaze.

"and why do you say that.?" Scott added, raising a brow.

"her tone, in her voice, I've heard it before. disappointment-"

"she didn't find what she was looking for..." nat said.

in those very instants the tower doors open.

"it's about time." nat said playfully.

"Oh yeah? well, I would have appreciated it if you guys were listening completely to the conversation, one of you could have picked up on something we didn't." Wanda's tone lowering with every word she spoke.

"hey are you mad?" steve asked putting his hand on her shoulder.

"no, I just want to find him and it results that we can't"

"wait what do you mean?" Scott raised a brow.

"We are talking about a multi-verse here, sorcerer supreme can reach these universes. which happens to be our very friend Stephen strange." Loki said.


"meaning that if a sorcerer supreme wanted to, he could switch places with himself from another time, this way they could line another life," Wanda said

"wait but what about the different frequencies, different universes have different frequencies in which their bodies collaborate with, wouldn't Stephen not being here kill not only himself but also his other self?" bruce interrupted.

"I'm not sure if anything I just hope Stephen knows about this and will come back soon, but this whole leaving permanently thing is indeed leaving me with one person to blame," Wanda said.

"tony" everyone said in sync. everyone laughed and Wanda chuckled.

"When the hell will they be back anyway?" Rhodey questions

Back in Hawaii-

"um, Stephen are you sure this is completely safe?"

"of course my love, I would never put you the through something that wasn't," Stephen said giving air kisses and winks.

Tony was hovering on a string over molten lava.

tony gulped as he felt the tiny bits of flames flutter over his feet.

"you sure?" tony asked in reply to Stephen.

the only thing in stephen's mind at his point was "I would never let anything bad happen to you-

"-my love." these words indeed still triggered tony but if this was his only way of living he'd live with it,

before tony knew it he was on the other side without putting any effort into it.


"told you I would never let anything bad happen to you." Stephen kissed his forehead, with tony in his arms.


tony was definitely tired, he wanted to sleep and cuddles? since when did he want cuddles.

the duo returned to the hotel, they reached their room and Stephen placed tony on the bed, he was half asleep anyway so-

Stephen went to the bathroom and decided he wanted to shower, so he did just that.

Getting out of the shower, Stephen suddenly gets a severe headache which causes him to collapse on the bathroom floor.

The rough sound of Stephen meeting the ground triggers Tony from his sleep.

"Stephen?" He asks.

Tony couldn't really assure anything since the bathroom door wasn't fully open.

"um, Stephen are you okay?"

Ugh again with being nice, if he broke a leg let him break it in peace. Tony thought.

"don't worry. I'll be fine." Stephen waved his hand. though tony couldn't see it.

he started to cough.

Stephen grew in deep despair, why did he feel so sick.

maybe the frequency bruce was talking about was starting to affect the Stephen.

Tony also suspected this, c'mon he wasn't stupid.

after all, he did promise him he'd help him get back to his universe.

Tony got up from the bed and slowly walked towards the bathroom door, damn was he nervous, he didn't know what to expect.

tony raised his arm slightly and reached for the door, pushing exposing a curled up on the ground, naked Stephen.

Tony grew more than flustered, he squealed and closed the door immediately.

which seemed useless since he'd already seen him exposed.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!!"

"aw, don't worry, it's not like this is the first time you've seen me like this..." Stephen from the other side of the door.

"i-i've seen you like this before?" gosh, his mind was going to explode.

"uh so um, w-why were you um on the floor?" damn stop studdering stark.

"Sorry, I just miss my baby."

"well, um I-"

Tony really did try to find a way to comfort the broken wizard but wasn't the caring kind.

"Tony, it's fine, I know you'll help me get back, don't let my sadness overwhelm you."

"no no you're good."

Tony placed one of his hands on the door, his gaze falling to the ground. with no other words to say he stood there, no even knowing why he felt sad.

what he didn't know was how the wizard was doing the same exact thing, feeling homesick.

a few minutes passed and Tony decided to go back to bed.

Stephen made some portals and got some clothes. he changed and prepared for bed.

he opened the bathroom door and saw Tony already sleeping.

he sighed and went to sleep too.

back at the tower- 

"can we locate them, we need Stephen to come back here, if bruce's theory is correct he may be in danger." Natasha said looking down at the table where all the smart-tech was.

"alright, if he went to the beach, and it's winter here, he must be on the other side of the world." Scott said.

"that's a start," Steve said.

"what about miami?"

"that's down south from here. maybe we can try."


"uh, what about the Carribean Islands?"

"nope not there either."

"Oh! why didn't I think of it earlier? try hawaii!" Wanda said.

"give me a second-"

"-yes! they're there."

everyone looked at each other, if they weren't going to come back, they were gonna have to go fetch them.

everyone nodded.

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