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The light from outside had ceased to pierce through his grey curtains and that was when Park Seonghwa realized the sun had began to set. The night would soon greet everyone and yet another day will pass just like that. He leaned back on his chair, as a small squeaking noise was made upon it getting pushed back. His fingers let go of the pen he's been holding ever since the afternoon and his glasses had now took its place on the top of his head.

Seonghwa closed his eyes for a second, relieving it from all the stress and strain it's been put through the whole day from the long hours of staring at the computer screen. A small sigh finally escaped his lips after as he allowed all his exhaustion to seep in. There really seemed to be no end to his to-do list.

It had always been at moments like these that he would let his mind wonder to places he knew, shouldn't be visited often. Like when can he find the time to go back home to see his parents, what should he say when he does and they were to bring up the topic of marriage, how should he prevent them from talking about it at all and at most times, he'd wonder how this one girl is doing. 

Guilt wash over him as his office door was knocked twice and he knew it was from the person he was supposed to think about yet the person engraved on his mind had always been another. The woman behind the door peeked her head in when he told her to come in, a smile plastered on her face. His eyes met hers and he returned her smile with his own small one. She eventually walked in, her heels click and clacking on his wooden floor before she settled to sit across him.

"What brought you here today?" he asked, with the small smile still sitting on his face.

She rested her chin on her palms, her eyes looking up and eyebrows creasing as she pretended to think, before she answered, "am I supposed to make an appointment to meet you even after becoming your fiancé?"

His shook his head lightly, "no, you don't have to," he replied, "let me change the question then. How's work?"

Upon hearing his next query, her lips formed a small pout. She had expected him to asked that as it has always been about work and work and work. Somehow Son Eunji knew, Park Seonghwa was only engaged to her for the sake of both of their parents' business to be amalgamated but she didn't think that even after two years of being together, their relationship would still be around work. She had thought 800 days later, she'd find him sincerely in love with her, just like how she does him. But altough he was a gentleman for not saying it aloud, giving her a surface-only perfect relationship really did say a lot.

"It's fine." Seonghwa had a shit amount of workload to tackle but upon hearing the miniscule gloom in her voice, he knew this was a cue for him to do something to make her happy.

The thing about Park Seonghwa was, especially when it comes to the lass sitting before him, he could never afford being the reason behind someone's blue. And so he inquired, "it's almost 7, are you in the mood for sushi or steak?"

It didn't take another second for Eunji's face to lit up as she quickly answered with the latter of the two choices he gave. And in no time, Seonghwa was up on his feet to grab his coat before proceeding to offer his arms for her to link hers.

If anyone were to see them walk pass the lobby, hand-in-hand, it would be a moment for everyone to stop what they were doing to merely stare at the couple. From the outside, they really did look like a match made in heaven. But again, who would've have known inside the shell, there's nothing but emptiness?

Seonghwa's eyes were fixated outside. To be exact, it was directed towards the sky and how the tinted window made it seemed a lot darker. It had been quiet ever since they got inside the car as Eunji fished out her phone to scroll through all her social media. No words were exchanged until a notification pops up on the top of the lass' screen. She read what had been texted to her, surprised being the only thing she could describe what she felt to be as her hands suddenly became clammy. Her head reflexively turned towards the boy sitting beside her before quickly going back down to reply her friend.

I kid you not, Ji.
Hwang Yunhee just attended to
my grocery as a cashier.
When did she even come back?

She quickly typed in an 'I don't know' before her eyes once again travelled to her left. Seonghwa felt her eyes on him. He quickly tear his own from the sky before looking at her with a questioning look. Eunji swallowed whatever it was that cumulated in her mouth and proceed to opening and closing it again a second after.

"What is it?" A trail of silence was what he got as a respond as he tilt his head even more, confused of how she acted all of a sudden.

"Hwa, what would it take for you to leave me?

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