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( 🎵 mxmtoon - Porcelain )

Yunhee knew better than anyone else of how to take care of herself. After all, life has always told her how she could rely on no one but herself so others could rely on her. She always reminded herself when she should eat, drink and when to dispose her stress by sleeping. But that was before she jumped into the real world where she wouldn't be feeding only herself and when the only person she has to take care of, wasn't only herself.

It has been three days since their movie night and she would still wake up to her head pounding and aspirin has become her breakfast in the morning as no food look appetizing with headache as the side. This sparked worry from her sister. And she would constantly hear, "our stock of aspirin lessened by so much in just a week, stop taking it and let's get it checked out," as well as, "you know you can't get stress, do you have anything you have in mind?" to which she could only smile to as she engrained it so deep in her head how stress comes together in the package of becoming an adult and this was only normal.

"Did you go for your check-up yet?" Yunhee questioned the younger with her attention fixated on the straps of her heels.

"I did yesterday," the latter answered, "they say everything's looking good. When are you going for yours?"

"Maybe when I'm a little less busy," she stood up before grabbing her bag from the table on the side, "well, I'll get going, take care of my little girl."

The sun didn't show itself that morning and the grey clouds placed itself out front for the mortal's eye. Yunhee rested her head on the cold glass of the taxi, letting her mind roam to all the different places and it didn't take her long before she got completely lost in it, only coming back to her sense when the driver had called out to notify her how they have arrived.

Once she stepped inside the building and the sound came from below the tile from the contact with her heels, the monotonous routine will start. And just like any other day, she settled onto her seat at her cubicle, turned on her laptop and start doing her work.

"As expected from Hwang Yunhee, everything you make, look like art," it may not be much but each time she shows Yeonjun her finished design, the said words will come out of his lips and it'll instantly brightens her day. "Go write down the report and show it to Seonghwa. I'm sure there wouldn't be anything that he'd like to change."

It didn't take her long to finish writing down the detail of her design. These kind of report has always been the easiest to write compare to all the others she has been told to write. As at the end, the artist knows best of the art they make. And just when she was about to print the papers out, the landline in-front of her rang. She quickly picked it up, holding it with her shoulders pressed on it. "Yes?"

"Are you done?" The familiar voice came through the line but he was using his CEO tone.

"Yes, I'll bring it to you as soon as it has been printed, Mr. Park," she only received a word of approval before then line was cut.

Yunhee walked towards the printing machine, picking up the papers which now has words inked onto it and placed it neatly in a brown envelope. As she strides through the cubicles and passed through Yeonjun's own corner office, she could hear someone calling her name from behind. She knew the voice belonged to the man inside and she immediately took a few steps back to peek her head through his door frame. "Did you call for me or was I hallucinating?"

"Yeah, I called you," she could see him scratching his nape and that could only mean he had a favor to ask, "do you remember which was file has the spending count for each of the advertisement and sales count from each different one we put out?"

"There's a few," she instinctively put on a thinking face, trying to recall the files he was referring to, "which one do you need?"

"The earliest one, can you email it to me like.. right now? Please?" his eyes were pleading and a small chuckle was emitted from her lips as she saw his expression.

"I have to bring this to Seonghwa, would it be okay if I just give you my laptop and let you search for it in my documents?" she queried.

"Would that be okay? I'm about to look through your files, are you sure that's okay?" he repeated his question in an unsure manner as no one has ever offered him to look into their laptop.

"It's okay, really," she ensured him, "I don't store anything in my laptop except for all the files that YOU have seen before."

"Alright then if you say so," Yunhee dashed back into her desk, hugging her laptop with one hand while the other held onto the brown envelope. She set it down once she was back into Yeonjun's office, turning it on and pressing the password after.

"You can just turn it off after you're done, I'll pick it when I get back here," she told the younger and quickly walked out to continue her journey to her earlier destination.

Seonghwa had his eyes glued on the screen before him, there's only a few days left until the bidding and he wanted to make sure everything was 101%. The light from outside has been absent since morning and that made him lost track of time, failing to realize that evening was approaching. The only thing that tore his attention away from the brightly lit piece of electronic was the knock that came from outside and as always he'd yell for them to come in.

Much to his surprise, Son Eunji was the one who walked in with her head held high. Now that he thought of it, it's been awhile since the last he saw her. Their last conversation was not utterly pleasant and there has only been a few exchanged texts after. The sound from her heels became louder as she walked closer to his desk and took a seat in her usual spot. "Did you not miss me?" was the first thing she asked as soon as she was sat down.

"I've been a little too occupied," he answered with a small smile, "you're off work early."

"Wanted to see how you were doing," she returned his smile, "how's the preparation for the bidding?" Her query twisted a confusion in his head. He didn't recall ever telling her he was going for the project. Or maybe he did but because it's been so stressful, he forgot about it.

He was almost certain it wasn't the latter but he still tended to her question. "It's fine, everything's going well."

"That's good. Make sure you win this one," from one side, it'll sound like a girl supporting her fiancé and Son Eunji actually really did want him to won it, all because of what she was so ready to start doing if he does.

As if timing was never on their side, another series of knocks came as soon as she finished talking. And that was when Seonghwa recall how he had called for Yunhee to bring him the design and its report. He was exhausted and the last thing he wanted to see was Eunji roll her eyes upon the latter girl's appearance.

"Mr. Park, I brought the report.. you asked..for," her voice trailed softer upon the sight of the familiar face sitting across the man. Eunji's presence was enough to bring the headache back to the brown-haired girl. She quickly walked closer to his desk, placing the file infront of him before retracting back more than just a couple of steps.

Seonghwa, seeing how the lass had discomfort lacing her whole demeanor, quickly schemed through and as he found nothing to correct, he placed it back inside and returned it back to her. "That one's good to go. All the reports you've design and expense report you made for this bidding, combine it all and summarize it into a single set of papers. Hand it to Yeonjun latest by the day after tomorrow," he instructed.

"Noted, sir," she bowed like always and proceed to leave the room, letting out a big exhale as soon as she was out the door.

She could spot the employee leaving the lobby from above and thought twice of staying behind to do the paper. Maybe it would be a good idea to bring work home once in a while. And so she picked up her laptop from Yeonjun's desk and went back to her own. She was about to look for the hard copies of the reports she made, only to find all her drawers empty. Nothing occurred to her but the fact that maybe she had accidently brought it home the last time she decided to do her work on the comforts of her bed.

Morning and evening didn't seem all that different. Both were dark that day and the breeze was not in a good mood as well. It decided to show just how much power it holds for those who has been looking down on it. Yunhee could feel her hair blowing to all directions as she stood by the pick up station and wait for her ride.

Unlike the dull feel of the weather, the house was lively. She came back to Eunbyul and Jiwon playing with the countless amounts of dolls. Ever since they came back and the 7 cheerful lads knew of the existence of the little girl, the dolls she owns seems to increase by the week.

"Oh, you're home!" her sister greeted, "Eunbyul say hello to mommy." The little girl smiled and waved her hand rigidly to which her mom returned with picking her up and kissing her nose.

"Has my little girl been good to her aunt and grandma today?" she asked the little girl who was still distracted with the small doll on her grip.

"She held onto her spoon and didn't want to let go earlier during lunch," Jiwon chimed into the mother-daughter conversation, "some of the food splattered but she was actually trying to put the food into her mouth."

Yunhee chuckled upon getting the information, her daughter has never shown any sign of being an extraordinary kid with amazing intelligence but maybe that wasn't it as well. That was probably her showing how she was going to try being independent for the sake of lifting a burden off her mom's shoulder because that night, as she tried to feed her daughter, she had once again use her little hands to grab onto the spoon and scoop out food.

The little thing Eunbyul does, brightens up her day. It holds more power than Yeonjun complimenting her work and although she could still feel a hammering sensation inside her skull, she had enough motivation to start working on the papers she was assigned to do.

The lass put her daughter to bed and turned off the light inside the room. She figured the darkness of the room may worsen her headache so she decided working in the living room should do this time. Everyone inside the house was asleep, there was only her left and the small volume of sound coming from the TV infront. She had purposely left it on with minimal volume as she tried to avoid complete silence.

She pressed onto the power button on her laptop, squinting her eyes as the brightness was set on high. She was in on her homescreen after putting in her password and as she was opened her documents, her eyes immediately widened upon seeing how it says there was nothing for her to see. A weird feeling immediately settled on her stomach as she pressed on each of the documents which then only had two left. She quickly checked the trashbin only to find it empty as well.

"Did Yeonjun accidently deleted all my files...?" she muttered to herself but there was no way he would've done that, he needed all the files inside her laptop as much as she does. At the end, he'd be the one to make the compilation paper for the creative team. Yunhee kept her calm as she remembered she had the printed version of the files. In a second, she ran towards her room. Carefully opening the door so there wouldn't be a creak.

Panic began settling in when she found none of the copies inside her drawer. None of the reports she made has any traces left. Every single one of them is gone. For a second, she stood frozen in front of her desk inside the bedroom. Her heart began thudding in her chest and she could feel her mouth drying. Her head pounded harder as she struggled to figure out what she should do.

She took in a deep breath to calm herself down before the panic becomes full blown but the only solution she could think of right then is making the report base on what she remembered. If she were to wait it out and inform Seonghwa, it would probably be ugly, considering he was exhausted himself. But the detail that she had memorized was close to almost nothing. How could she remember two files worth of expense report.

Yunhee went back to the living room and sat down on the couch, grabbing her laptop before placing it on her lap. She knew she was left with no choice and this is going to times 4 her workload but what else could she do.

Wrecking her brain when it felt like it was already on the brim of splitting into two didn't feel pleasant at all. At one point, the pain became so unbearable she had to squeeze her eyes shut. But this paper is important and she had to get it done. Yunhee lost track of time and only realized the sun has once again woken up from its slumber when Jiwon appeared from behind.

"What..?" the younger was confused to see her sister sitting on the couch, "Yunhee, did you stay up all night?" The brown-haired girl turned her head around and the blonde could see weariness painted on every inch of her face, especially her lips which now has almost no color on them.

"I had to get this done, what time is it?" she asked, her eyes droopy and heavy. At that moment, all Yunhee wanted to do was to sleep. She had started seeing spots of color and she started questioning why hasn't her head cracked into two yet when it felt like it was so close to.

"It's almost 7. Yunhee can't you skip work today? You look like you'd pass out at any moment," the older has already stood up and as soon as she did, the pain shoot up so quickly she was caught off guard.

"I'm fine, I'll just take a sho-," she didn't know whether or not she got to finish her sentence. But she was sure the last thing she heard was her sister calling out for her name before everything turned pitch black.

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