Welcome to our hippe commune (s,6)

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(I would post a sketch of mine at the top but i still don't have wifi so wattpad won't let me. :( I'll update that as soon as I have wifi again! Oh and a quick info i dont know if there was an ocean near by the hippe commune in season six but for this oneshot lets just pretend there is okay :3? Okay xD)

The waves where crashing against the ship. It almost seemed like they where trying to play with it. Rain was pouring down on us and lightning was always threatening to strike the sails.

On deck the captain was screaming, trying to keep us calm and tell us what to do. It was hard to understand him though. The ship had already been damaged and our situation just got worse and worse with every second.

Our mission had been to deliver eggs, chickens, cows, emeralds and other expensive stuff to a rich village over sea, when this storm appeared out of nowhere. The best weather experts had assured us that there would only be a light breeze, but that clearly wasn't the case anymore!

I looked around in panik, trying to find something I could hold onto, in order not to fall of off the ship. Some of my crew members were already hiding in the storage room underneath the deck and others may have already been thrown over the edge of the ship by the wind. A shiver roled down my spine just thinking about that.

If you where to land in the water you where sure to die. You'd either freeze to death or get killed by the drowned!

"Impulse! Come on you have to hide too!" I looked over at the captain. His hand was reaching out for me to grab it. I slowly let one hand slide of the barrel, that i was holding onto and tried to grab his hand, when suddenly, lightning struck the main mast and the sail immediately started to burn. Fire started to spread quickly and the rain didnt even seem to bother it. My eyes widened in shock as another bolt of lightning hit the ship. The impact must have been close to me, because the force knocked me off and into the water.

Everything seemed to happen at once. My body hit the cold water and the ship exploded. The fire must have reached one of the barrels with gun powder or, the normaly secured, TNT.

I felt water fill my lungs and started panicking. I think i started crying when i felt a strong pain in my left arm and my right leg, but I wasn't sure because of all the water that already surrounded me. I tried looking for something I could hold onto and spotted a relatively big piece of wood drift towards me.

Reaching out I managed to grab it. The planks seemed to still be attached to one of the barrels and it pulled me up. Breaching the surface my vision started to get even blurrier but I could still manage to see the burning sillouette of the ship. As i started to black out I thought i heard screams of terror, but it could have also been thunder or just my mind playing tricks on me.

-time skip-

(Nobodys PoV)

Renbob exited his van and sighed happily. He had been able to sleep well last night even though there had been a terrible storm. Walking over to the van of his fellow hippie Grian He knocked on the iron door. "Wake up man! We got things to do!" He spoke with his typical hippie accent.

Grian slowly opened the door, rubbing his eyes in a sleepy manner before smiling brightly. "Really? What have you planned?" He said while adjusting the flower crown on his head.

"There was this big storm last night ya' know? We should check if there are any animals out there that have been hurt or need help. We will also have to check the beach. So what do you say man?" Renbob said while pointing in the direction of the beach. Grian nodded eagerly and got an emty shulkerbox out of one of his chests. "Maybe we could even find something usefull!" He said grinning as they started to walk in the directions of the beach.

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