Chapter 26: Trouble with boys

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Steve's POV

"Good morning everyone" I greeted the people in the room, ready to do what it was necessary to keep Hawaii safe.

"Hey boss. Back to business" Chin smiled at me as I entered the room.

"Pretty much. It's good to see you Chin" I smiled as me and my friend shared a hug, pats on the back included. "Although I'm afraid we're a bit short of staff right now" I admitted while rubbing the back of my neck. It'd be hard to continue with this situation.

"Only the best of the group" he grinned in resignation and went back to what he was doing.

"I wonder if now that both Cath and Lori are gone, the Governor will consider letting Kono back" I let out my current thoughts. I certainly missed the girl, and this situation could work to make the Governor reconsider his hard meassure.

"She'd like that. She's been acting really strange since that day" Chin confessed to me and dedicated me a look I knew too well. That look when you know something is wrong with your little one but you can't really tell.

Chin had always been extremely overprotective with Kono, her being his younger cousin. Much like an older brother, even when the age difference wasn't so big as me and Jillian.

"Alright, enough talking. What do we have?" I dropped the subject to focus on our present target.

During my absence, him and Danny had handled things extremely well, and I was surprised. He commented with me the last cases they had closed and how far we were with this new one. So far, all dead ends... at least until we speak to that college student it was so hard to locate.

Danny arrived a little late that day, since Grace wasn't feeling so well and he had to take her to a doctor. They assured him it was nothing but a cold, but a parent cannot help but to worry until they see their children perfectly ok. I knew that feeling too.

Still there seemed to be something else in his mind. He had a permanent scowl on his face, like that one that won't go away when your day just keeps getting worse. Then again, I knew that feeling too.

"What's with you today?" I rested my body weight on the door frame with my arms folded on my chest, expecting a good explanation for his unusual behavior.

"It's my nephew. He got suspended from school and my sister thought it'd be a great idea to send him here with me for a week" my friend opened up about what he was going through, and not without a tone that screamed about his terrible mood that morning.

"He can stay in your new place. I'm sure he'll be comfortable" I tried to brighten him up but that wouldn't do the trick.

"At least social workers won't bust my ass for this. I'm still staying in the motel. Real estate is really a bitch" he kept on ranting randomly while moving things on his desk that didn't need to move. He was literally bouncing on the walls.

"You sound excited to see your nephew" I remarked to the subject that seemed to be the rock in his shoe.

"You have no idea" he sighed deeply while trying to calm down for a moment before it gets out of hand. "He's always been a pain to my sister, and a spoiled brat"

"I'm familiar with those" I rolled my eyes as my sister's image popped inside my mind.

"Come on. Jill's an angel compared to him" he followed my thoughts and disapproved of my example with a raised eyebrow.

"You didn't know her in her worst stage. Without discipline she can really get out of control" I reminded him of my sister's past. Something I was fighting really hard for it not to come back. She had changed.

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