Breaking The Rules ~ Introduction

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Tulsa, Oklahoma. Will Rogers High School. After school detention. Dallas Winston. Me, Y/n L/n (y/n- your name, l/n- last name). Sorry, let me introduce myself. I'm Y/n L/n. A greaser, most certainly not a Soc. I would never dream of being one of the snobby pricks. I'm in the gang with my bestfriend, Ponyboy Curtis. Along with the other two Curtis brothers, Johnny Cade, Steve Randle, Two-Bit Mathews , and last but not least, my old buddy Dallas Winston. We never see eye to eye like we used to, which is surprising to some people. Every time people hear us arguing I always hear whispers like "Why are they fighting?" Or "what could they be arguing about? They're basically twins." It pisses me off that me and Dallas arguing about stupid things. Everybody used to think we were related until I shut them up. That was two years ago. My exact words were "If one of you says me and Dallas are blood related again, I will kick each and every one of your heads in. Understood?" I guess you could say I act like Dally in a sense but only when I need to.

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