Breaking The Rules ~ Part 12

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Y/n's pov

Later that day, we were all the Curtis house sitting around and eating chocolate cake. "I think I'm gonna heat out guys. Bye." I said. I heard of chorus of "byes" from the boys. "Let me walk you home Doll." Dally said. We walked out the door hand in hand. When we got to my house I was about to open the door when Dallas grabbed my hand, turned me around, and kissed me. I kissed back but it son turned into a make-out session. I heard a scoff and I knew exactly who it was. I pulled away from Dally to see Pony walking away from my house. "PONY?!" I yelled. He didn't respond, he didn't even turn around. "BUBBA!" I yelled again. "WHAT!" He yelled back. I ran over to him to see tears in his eyes. "What wrong?" I asked. "Nothing. I'm fine." He said. "Pony I know your not fine! Please, tell me what's wrong!" I screamed. "Fine, y/n. I like Dallas. Yeah, the nerdy, stupid Ponyboy Curtis has a crush on Dallas Winston, the bad boy." He said, breaking into tears. "Pony, I'm so sorry. I'll talk to him, tell him we need to stop, ok?" I said, shedding a few tears. "Really? You'd do that for me bubs?" He asked. "Of course Pony. I'd do anything for you." I said which a smile. We hugged tightly and as we let go, Dallas started walking over. "Everything alright over here?" He asked. "Yeah Dally, everything's fine. I'll see ya later Bubba." I said while kissing Pony's cheek. As Pony started walking away I started talking to Dallas. "Dally I know it hasn't even been a day but I think we need to take a break because I don't wanna hurt Pony." I said calmly. "Hurt him how?" He asked. "He likes you Dally. Like, the way you like me. in that way. I don't wanna hurt him because then I'd lose my bestfriend. God only knows what would happen if I ever lost him." I said. "Alright doll, I understand. G'night, Y/n L/n." He said, surprisingly with no anger in his voice. "Goodnight Dallas Tucker Winston." I said while giggling. "Hey!" He yelled while walked away. "Sorry Dal, I couldn't help it!" I yelled back, making sure he could hear me.

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