Breaking The Rules ~ Part 27

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Y/n's pov

       When i woke up i was all stitched up and laying in Soda and Pony's bed. I looked around and saw that Sodapop was sitting in a chair next to the bed. He saw me with my eyes open. "Hey Y/n, i know you won't." He started. "Hi." I mumbled, still tired and in pain. He smiled at me and walked to the doorway. He looked down next to the door. "Pony she's awake, just be careful with her alright?" Sodapop whispered. I saw Pony stand up and nod as he made his way towards me. "Hi bubs." He whispered. "Hi bubba." I whispered back. "How bad am I?" I asked. "Not as bad as you'd expect, a couple cuts, several bruises, and a black eye. But other than that your alright but you should still rest." He whispered to me. I looked up at him to see his lip quivering. "Pony whats wrong?" I asked. "I didn't help you, none of us did. We just stood there and watched you get beat by your father." He sobbed. "Ponyboy I'm glad none of you tried to help. Y'all would've gotten hurt. I don't want that." I responded. Everything was dead silent until I heard whispering coming from the living room. "Who's here?" I asked. "The police, they wanted to ask you a few questions but you weren't awake so they're asking Darry and all them about what happened." He answered. "Is my dad gone?" I asked. "Yeah they put him in local jail in Colorado." Sodapop said from the doorway of the room. "Ok, good." I said. "I'm hungry." I giggled. "Your always hungry. Come on we'll go get ya something to eat." Pony laughed. I nodded and got up with the help of the two boys. They planted themselves on each side of me, being my support if I lose my balance. "Hey y/n, glad to see your up and walkin'!" Two-Bit said. I smiled. I looked around the livingroom and continued walking to the kitchen. I sat at the table and watched the boys look for food. "Are y'all hungry? I'll start making dinner." Darry said, walking into the kitchen. "Yeah thanks Superman." I thanked him, walking into the living room with pony. "Where's Dal?" I asked. "He went to bucks to go get something." Johnny said. "Thanks johnnycakes." I said, ruffling his ungreased hair. He nodded as to say 'your welcome' and turned his attention back to the tv. Dal walked in with a bag. "Hey, I bought you my sweats and a shirt of mine for ya, doll." He said, handing the bag to me. "Thank you." I said. Giving him a light peck on my lips before sticking my hands out. "What?" He asked, confused. "Help me up." I said said while laughing.  He helped me up and bought to me to the bathroom, helping me change and sit down on the couch again. More like sitting on his lap anyways. After Darry was done with dinner we all at at the table like a family. Everybody just kinda stayed at the table for a few minutes after them were done eating. "I love you guys. I hope each and every one of you know that because I mean it." I said. There was a chorus of responses like 'I love you too Y/n.' Or 'Were know, we love you too'. That couldn't make me happier. I was finally happy and with my family. My real family.

{THE LAST CHAPTER OF THIS STORY😭😭 NEXT CHAPTER IS THE EPILOGUE see you later my lovies, sorry for any grammar mistakes.~ paige💗☁️}

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