Breaking The Rules ~ Part 23

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Breaking The Rules ~ Part 22

Atleast things were good now. Or so i thought they were...
Y/n's pov

       "hEy gUyS!" Two-Bit slurred. He was so wasted. "Hey two. Whys your face all bruised up?" Johnny asked. "oH. iTs dEm StUPid sOcs!" He yelled "Hey, guys I gotta go, i'll see y'all later." I said, kissing ponyboy goodbye on his cheek. "See ya bubba." Pony said. I ran and ran until I got to Bucks. "Hey buck! Dallas 'round here somewhere?" I asked impatiently. "Up here Y/n." A familiar voice said. I looked up the stairs to see Dally standing at the top of them. "Mind if I come up for a minute or two?" I asked quietly. "Nah, man. Come on." He said. I ran up the stairs and into Dally's room and sat on the floor. "Why ya sittin' on the floor?" He questioned. "Because I don't know how many girls you've screwed since last week." I responded. (Were gonna say it's been a week since they broke up). "None actually. I was actually gonna go out and find ya so we could talk because ya turned up here." He said. There was something in his voice that was telling me that he was telling the truth. "Dal I'm sorry." I said quietly as tears built up in the eyes. I blinked them away. Greasers aren't supposed to cry. Greasers like Dal and I are supposed to be cold-hearted. "Yeah I know, I am too. Believe me I am. I never say sorry but I guess this is the one time I really mean it." He said as he took a step closer to me. I looked into one yes and said, "I didn't mean what I said to you."  I really didn't. "I know man." He replied. I tried to scoff quietly but he heard it. "What?" He asked. "I don't know. I just- I think I should go before I do something I'll regret." I said. He looked at me, confused. Then he did the unexpected. Dallas Winston pulled me into a hug. Yes you read that right. A hug. I buried my head into his chest as I wrapped my arms around his lower torso. He pulled away, grabbed my face, and pulled me into a kiss. Not to rough, not to soft. This wasn't the Dallas Winston I know. But I like the way he was. He was better.

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