Breaking The Rules ~ Part 16

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Y/n's pov

       I woke up at 10:30 pm to see Dally staring at me. "Dal? You ok?" I said. He snapped out of it and shook his head. "Yeah man, I'm fine." He said. "Wanna go to bucks Dally?" I asked. "Sure." He said. He grabbed his leather jacket as I grabbed mine and we left the Curtis house and made our way to bucks. When we got there we just headed straight upstairs. Once we got to Dallas's room he opened the door, closed it and immediately pushed me against the wall. I smirked. "What are you doing?" I asked while muting my lip. "Whatever you want me to." He said while smiling a bit. I crashed my lips onto his, leaving him confused but he quickly kissed back. Let's just say that night was very fun.

•The Next Morning, 6:30 am•

       "Dal." "Dally" "DALLAS" I yelled. He finally woke up. "What?" He said in a groggy voice. I rolled my eyes and said "Get up! If they see that I'm gone they'll kill me!". He looked at me, smiled, then got up. "Doll chill." He said. He kissed me then started getting his clothes on. "Hurry! Let's go" I yelled. I was running down the stairs. I got to the car and got in, shortly after, Dallas did too. He made our way to the Curtis house and I went in very quietly, as to not wake anyone up. I pretended to be asleep when someone came into the room. I opened my eyes a little to see it was Steve. "Hey." I said in a groggy voice. "Hey little miss y/n." He replied. I giggled and got up. Dallas walked through the door.....

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