Breaking The Rules ~ Part 13

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Y/n's pov

The next morning I was so tired. My eyes were so ready to go back to sleep but I knew I had to talk to Dally. I didn't want to break up with him. I felt bad for Pony. I didn't know he liked Dallas. If he did, I never would've done anything. I decided to would talk to Dally now so, I called him. "Hello?" He said. "Dally, hey. Can we talk?" I asked in a tired voice. "Yeah, come on down to bucks, you know where my room is right?" He said. "Yeah Dal, I'll see ya later." I said. "Bye Doll." He said before hanging up. I sighed, knowing this was going to be weird because of what happened last night. I took a shower, got dressed and headed the Bucks. I knocked and Buck let me in, not saying a word to me. I went up to Dally's room and knocked on the door. I usually walk in but I didn't know if anyone in there right now. "Y/n?!" He yelled. "Yeah Dallas." I said. "Come in!" He yelled. I opened to door to see Dallas with jeans on. No shirt. "We need to talk." I said. "Yeah." He said. "Look, I didn't want to break up with you. I still want too be with you but I think we would have to keep it on the DL. That means we can't do any shit like couples do around them." I said. "Alright." He said. He quickly stood up to kiss me roughly. I kissed back. Our moment was interrupted by a knock on the door. Dally went over to the door to find Pony standing there. "What do ya want kid?" Dallas asked rudely. I hit his arm. "Dal. Hey pony, what's up?" I asked. "Well I wanted to see if you wanted to hang out." He said. "Yeah gimme a sec." I said. I walked over to Dal's bed to get my jacket I bought with me. "Bye Dallas." I said while walking out of the door. Once Pony heard the door shut he started talking. "I'm sorry I made you end things with him." He said quietly. "No, it's fine Bubba really. I'm glad I did because I didn't wanna lose you." I said happily. He smiled at me and I returned it. "Thanks y/n. That means a lot. Nobody really ever does that for me." He said sadly. "Well, now you don't need anyone to do it because you have me. Trust me, I'm never leaving. You'll get so tired of me." I said while laughing. "Please, how could anyone ever get tired of you?" He asked. "Trust me, everybody will. But even if you do I'm not leaving." I said whole smiling. "I couldn't never get rid of my bestfriend." He said happily. We continued talking about the most random things while we walked to the lot. When we got there, there was something I never wanted to see..


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