Breaking The Rules ~ Part 11

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Y/n's pov

       "After the thought, I didn't want to. But I didn't want to throw away all of the stuff you ever done for me so I guess I can forgive you Dally." I said while smiling. "Back to callin' be Dally, huh Doll?" He asked. "Yeah, back to calling me Doll huh Dally?" I asked as he chuckled. He pulled me into a hug and we hugged for about 30 seconds before going back inside. I went upstairs, straight to Ponyboy's room to find him sleeping. "Hey, can I join you? I'm tired." I asked. He nodded his head slowly. I climbed under the blankets and onto the bed the best I could without making him wake up anymore. I kissed him cheek. "Goodnight bubba." I said. "G'night bubs. Love ya." He responded quietly. "Love ya too." I said. I slowly drifted off to sleep, letting the darkness taking over me.

The Next Morning ~ 10:30 a.m Saturday•

       I woke up to Pony and Dallas jumping on my bed. I guess they made up. "WAKE UP!" They yelled. "Jeez ok, ok. I'm up! I see you two made up." I said. I yawned while they hug my face with a pillow. "UGHHH." I groaned. "Bubs." I said while sitting up and crossing my arms. "I'm sorry." Pony said while pouting. "It's ok." I smiled. "Heya, Pony. Mind givin' of us sec here?" Dally asked him. "Yeah of course." Pony said as he walked out. "So?" I said, wanting to now what he wanted. "Look, Y/n. Imma get straight to the point. I've like ya for quite some time and I wanted to know if you'd give me a shot. Ya know. Be my girl and all that stuff?" He asked. I was shocked. "Dally I know what you do with girls-." I started but he cut me off. "I promise I won't do any of that to ya doll. So? What do ya say?" He asked. "Yeah, Dally. Just don't hurt me." I said.

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