Breaking The Rules ~ Part 22

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Y/n's pov

       "N/n?" Pony said as he walked through the doors of the DX. "N/n, its ok. Please just come out. Johnny's not with me. He's at the lot. He's awfully sorry he reacted like that." Ponyboy said sadly. I couldn't just stay in there. I ran out of the garage, basically jumping into Pony's arms. Sobs escaped my mouth as the tears cascaded down my face. I buried my head in the crook of his neck. "Pone, take 'er to the break room." Soda said as he rubbed my back soothingly. I slowly pulled away from Pony and he led us to the break room. Once we sat down on the couch they had in the break room, Pony placed me on his lap. He used one hand to play with my hair and the other to hold  me so I didn't fall and rub my arm. "Bubs, why'd Johnny act like that?" I asked, sniffling after I did so. "He was just worried. He didn't want his mom to find you and start beatin' on you like she does on him, bubba." He replied. "But I told Johnny not go to back there and he still is! She won't find me if he stops going back, Pony! I just, I don't know. I just don't want her to kill the poor kid." I said, saying the last part quietly. "Look I don't mean to change the subject or anything but I need to tell you something. I don't like Dallas anymore because I like Johnny." He said. As soon as he was done talking, a familiar voice ran through the DX. "PONYBOY? YOU HERE?" Yelled Johnny Cade. Ponyboy and I looked at each other. I nodded, telling him I was ready to see Johnny. We both got up off the couch and walked in the store part of the DX. "Y/n. I'm so so sorry I said that to ya kiddo. You know, im awfully sorry. I just don't want ya gettin' beat on like I do with ma." He sad. "I know Johnny, I know." I said as i pulled him into a hug. Atleast things were good now. Or so I thought they were...

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