Breaking The Rules ~ Part 18

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Y/n's pov

"Hey guys." Pony says as he walks through the door. "Hey kid." I reply. "Bub.." he says sadly. "I know your not a kid I'm just playin pone." I said while walking over to him. I hugged him tightly and kissed his cheek. He chuckled and pulled me to the couch, and pulled me into his lap. I giggled. "Bubba!" I said loudly. He started tickling me and I wouldn't stop laughing and screaming. "Alright, alright I'll stop." He said while laughing. I smiled and cuddled into him. He put his arms around me and squeezed me. "I love you." He said with a smile. "I love you too Ponyboy. I love you too." I said while ruffling his hair. "Hey, y/n. Hey, lil buddy." Darry said while walking in. "Hey Dar." We both said. Darry kissed my forehead then went to make dinner. "STEVE STOP EATINF ALL THE CAKE. YA GON' GET YOURSELF FAT!" I yelled. "Shut your trap, dumbo." He said. I giggled and put my head on Pony's shoulder. "Tired?" He asked. "Lil" I said. "Take a nap, Im probably gon' take one too. I'm tired out from track." He said. "Night." I said while yawning. "Night." He said. Then we both fell into darkness.

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