Where am I?

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"Ugh why is it so chilly in here?"

You reached for your blankets to try and pull them over yourself, but you couldnt feel them, "huh?"

You open your eyes to look for where your blankets could have gone, but the second you do you realize you're not in your room, or any room familiar to you at all.

You get up in panic seeing that you're in something similar to a lab, theres weird medical equipment all around you, are you in a hospital? Or some phycos basement?

You notice a door at the far end of the room, out of panic you jump out of the hospital like bed and sprint for the door, you bust it open then trip on your own foot causing you to fall to the floor, You look up and see a couple of people standing in the hallway.

"W-wait those arent normal people" you immediately realize they're all some type of humanoid animal. "WHAT THE FUCK! WHO ARE YOU? WHERE AM I?" You shout. A lamb comes up to you as you crawl away in fear.

"Hey dont worry were not gonna hurt you, were more scared of you haha" she says as she gives you a forced smile and reaches out a hand to help you up. Although the smile was clearly fake you could tell she really was scared of you.

You take the lamb ladies hand, its soft and covered in wool, she pulls you up "now why dont we go back into your room and a doctor will come discuss everything with you, ok?" "O-ok but you arent going to kill me are you?" You say to the lamb. "Ahaha of course not, now why would we do that? Now go lay in your bed a doctor will be with you shortly"

You go to sit in your bed and as you sit anxiously you think "how did I get here? What about my family? My friends? Is this just a dream, god I'm so scared" you start to tremble at the thought of maybe never seeing your loved ones again, and that you might die here.

A couple long minutes go by and the door opens, you see something that looks like a hyena, but like the other animals hes walking on 2 human like legs. Behind him a very intimidating panda with a couple scars.

"Hello I am Dr. Greesh, and I'm just gonna ask you a few questions then we will try to explain how you got here alright?" "O-ok" you reply "delightful, so do you have a name? Do you remember it?" "Yes my names (y/n)" .

"That's a nice name" the Dr says as he writes it down on his clipboard "now how old are you (y/n)?" "17 almost 18"
"Wow you're almost a grown up, now do you remember how you got here?"
"No idea" "hmm".

The doctor writes a couple more notes on his clipboard "ok I'm going to try and explain how you arrived here but please know we do not know everything ourselves" "ok but... could you tell me why the scary panda is here?" You point to the black and white bear who's sitting in a chair at the side of the room.

The panda scoffs "I'm not the prettiest but you might wanna watch your tone with me" he says in a deep aggravated voice "s-sorry" you say back and you look down to avoid eye contact (not that you can see his eyes, they blend in with his black circles).

"Hes just here for when were done everything here" the doctor says. "Now I'm sure your curious and scared so I'll just get to it, we have no idea how a human like you is here, humans have been said to be extinct for quite some time now, this panda fella over here found you in the back alley market and brought you here. You were complety unconcious and were on fire temperature wise"

"Wait so you dont know how I got here?" You reply " I'm afraid not, sorry"
"Damnit I have friends, I have a family i want to see again, can you take me back?" "We dont know how yet at the moment sorry" the doctor frowns as he says that.

"UGH WHAT AM I GONNA DO? I DONT HAVE ANY MONEY, ANY PLACE TO GO, IM HOPELESS HERE" you shout in fear on the verge of tears. "That's where the scary guy comes in" the panda says as he gets up from his seat and walks over, you notice hes very tall and extremely buff, you dont wanna get on his bad side.

"You're gonna come to my clinic and live there until we can figure everything out, I treat carnivores that have gone savage and since we dont know much about your species we decided it's best you stay with me" the panda explains.

"Clinic? Savage? IM NOT SOME ANIMA-" you shout "YES YOU ARE, FOR ALL WE KNOW YOU COULD BE A MEAT EATING SAVAGE THAT CANT LAST AN HOUR WITHOUT KILLING A HERBIVORE OR EVEN CARNIVORE FOR THAT MATTER" the panda shouts back "we know almost nothing about you, it's either you come with me or you can get eaten in the back alley market" the panda crosses his arms

"Damn hes got a point I have no where else to go" you think to yourself "fine, t-thank you" you say as you look away ashamed "good now when can he be released doctor" he says to Dr. Greesh
"Whenever hes ready actually, we've already done blood test and everything required so hes free to leave" he replies

"Great now let's get going kid, I got some things to do back at the clinic so let's go" he walks away and you get up annoyed but do as your told as you walk into the hallway with him and make your way out of the hospital, the panda looks at you "by the way (y/n) the names gouhin nice to meet ya"  he sticks out a hand for a handshake and tries to give a nice smile, it seems he does have some sympathy for your situation.

His hand is about the size of your face and your still freaked out that animals are talking to you but you accept and shake his hand, his grips strong and firm.

After walking down a few shady back roads with the panda and seeing a lot of sketchy people you eventually make it to a run down building "this place is your clinic? It doesnt look very safe" you say

"Yea run down but you're gonna have to put up with it since you got no other option" gouhin exclaims, you let out a sigh because you know hes right.

You walk in and see a hallway with a lot of doors, you peer inside one and see a coyote look like hes having a panic attack on the floor, "it's like a prison cell in there" you think to yourself "h-hey is he ok? Should we help him?" You ask the panda "nah hes fine, his body is just trying to get over the craving of meat, theres not much you can do about that" he says.

"Craving of meat? well they are animals I guess maybe they dont have control?" You think to yourself.

"Follow me, your basically gonna be staying in one of the more higher class cells" the panda starts walking up the stairs. "Lucky me" you jokingly say, he laughs, Maybe this wont be so bad.

"Well here we are, not much but you got nothing better" gouhin opens the door to show basically a prison cell but fancier, theres a bed, a little bathroom with a small shower, a desk with a lamp and a dresser "thank you for letting me stay here" you say to the panda. "No problem, but its mainly because we dont know if you're gonna murder a herbivore or not" "well that's nice to know"

You step into the room and gouhin closes the door behind you, leaving you to have some time to think

"Home sweet home I guess haha" you say to yourself



This chapter was just a build up to the story so sorry there is no legosi ✌😔 next chapter may be similar but in the one after you will definitely meet him for sure, and no before you get your Hope's up you will not be getting topped by the daddy panda, this is a love story for you and legosi 😡 but anyway hope you like it and comments are appreciated, updates will be frequent hopefully

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