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  "Good morning (y/n)" gouhin says as you come downstairs to the kitchen. You've been living with him for a week now and hes started to trust you wont eat anyone, you've gotten fairly close and you talk often (not like you have much of a choice hes the only sane person in the building).

"Good morning panda" you say jokingly "hey! Stop callin me that" he scoffs "heh sorry, so what's on this list today?" You ask (you've been helping him with some chores since you started living there)

"Well actually, since I know you wont eat anyone I've decided to enroll you in school since you're still young and need an education" the panda says. "Huh, School? Wont it be weird? The only animals I've met are you or insane meat addicts" you state

"That is true, and it will probably effect your opinion on carnivores but I promise you not all of them are like that, some just cant resist. Either way you're gonna be going to cherryton academy, it's a boarding school, you can  come back on weekends though, dont worry it's not far only an hour away" gouhin exclaims.

"Well when do I start?" You ask gouhin. "Noon today actually, sorry it's such short notice but I thought it would be a nice surprise, after breakfast go get ready" "o-oh ok, next time give me some more notice would ya?" "Haha sorry I'll make sure next time"

You quickly eat your breakfast and have a conversation with gouhin, as soon as you wash your dish you go to your room to start getting ready, you look into your bathroom mirror and stare at yourself for a moment. "wow I never thought I would be going to a school with animals, when did my life get this weird?" You ask yourself.

You take a quick shower and put on some clothes gouhin got for you "not too bad but I definitely need to buy something more my style, I don't look too cute in this" you say as you check the mirror, you grab your bag of things and run downstairs to tell gouhin you're ready to leave.

"Ok I'm ready when you are panda" you excitedly say to the panda sitting on the living room couch. "Wow I have a good fashion taste you look good in those" he says after getting up facing you. "Yea not really my style but thanks, they look good" "ok let's get going then" gouhin says as he grabs his wallet and phone.

After walking an hour you finally arrive at the school, rather large and looks like a pretty high end school, a bunch of students walking around all different sizes, shapes, colors, it's weird but also intriguing, humans are really boring now that you think about it.

"Ah hello!" A man says when you enter the schools office. "You must be our new student (y/n)!". The mans a rather large black panther and speaks with a booming voice. "Y-yea that's me" you nervously say as you try to hide behind gouhin.

"Great! Were so exicted to have you, as a school for all animals we think having a unique breed like you here would be perfect for you" the panther says "by the way I'm the principal, Mr. Lince" he says while walking over and offering a hand shake.

You look at gouhin and he eyes you to shake the Panthers hand, his hands pitch black and you can see his claws inside his fingers, you hesitantly grab his hand and shake it, it feels a lot softer then you thought, it was almost cute how nice it felt.

"AH! IM SO SORRY IM LATE SIR I HAD TO TAKE VOSS TO HIS CLASS HE WOULD HAVE BEEN CRUSHED" a giant white dog barges into the office, long snow like fur covering his eyes, pretty muscular and in a state of panic. "Haha no worries Collot your timing couldnt have been better" Mr. Lince says to the dog.

"Well (y/n) this is collot, he is one of your dormmates and he will be showing you around the school, here is your schedule, you dont have to worry about any classes today you're free to look around the school, we will drop off  your uniform sometime during the day at your dorm" the panther explains.

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