First day

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"LEGOSI! hm, oh and (y/n)?" Collot says after he opens the curtains to legosis bed.

Legosi and you both groan in annoyance, you're both hugging eachother as your legs intertwine.

"You guys seemed to become friends pretty fast haha" collot says jokingly.
"Well rise and shine you cant just sleep the day away" the white dog gets up and heads to the bathroom to get changed.

You break out of legosis grasp and get out of bed.

"WOAH WHAT HAPPENED (Y/N)? ARE YOU OK?" Jack yells sounding panicked and worried. "Hm what are you talki-" you remember what happened last night and look at your arm and see its scabbed.

"Oh uh I fell and legosi tried to catch me, but he missed and ended up scratching me, no big deal" you try to calmly say hoping you fooled jack.

"But what about your neck? Did legosi do that too? DID LEGOSI BITE YOU?" Jack becomes panicked again.

"OH UM, no it wasnt legosi, I dont remember what happened" you say having no idea what you could say.

"Well you have to be careful, that looks like a carnivores bite, are you sure nothing happened?" Jack says as he inspects your neck.

"I'm fine but thank you jack, I'm sure it's nothing" you reply.

"Cmon guys hurry up were gonna be late, especially you legosi get up already" miguno says while putting his tie on.

Legosi groans and slowly starts to get up, once he does he stares into his reflection inside the little mirror by his bunk. He looks lost in his thoughts.

*you tried to kill a rabbit and an innocent boy, you drank his blood, and tasted his flesh, then you kissed his neck as if nothing happened, you're a monster, you're nothing but a slave to your instincts you disgusting wolf* legosi says to himself in his head, starting to get visibly panicked.

You notice this while everyones busy getting ready, you walk up to the wolf and put a hand on his shoulder. "You ok?" You ask the wolf.

He takes a second but he leaves his head and turns to face you and is shocked that you appeared so fast.

"U-um yes I'm f-fine" legosi replies. You can here the nervousness in his voice.

"Are you sure? you're acting all panicked,if its about last night I told you its f-" legosi cuts you off, "I don't want to talk about last night if that's alright" he says. "Oh that's ok, now hurry up and get ready, we have class together and I don't want to be late on my first day hehe" you reply.

"Right!" legosi says as he quickly starts to undress to get into his uniform.

Collot comes out of the washroom giving you a chance to go get changed. You grab your clothes and head to the bathroom, as you turn around to close the bathroom door you catch a glimpse of the shirtless wolf.

Hes fairly slim but has some muscle on him, you can only see his back and even that alone was attractive, his shoulder blades moving as he reaches for things, showing all the muscles his back has.

*ah stop looking, get changed.* you think to yourself.

You close the door and quickly get changed *I'm gonna have to shower tonight I had to no time this morning* you say in your head.

"Ok is everyone ready?" Durham asks loudly.

You hear everyone respond with "yes" or "yea" expect for legosi, he just grunts and nods.

"Ok then let's go were gonna be late" the coyote says as he leaves the dorm.

All of the 701 boys including you exit the doorm and start to walk to class.

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