Kiss It Better

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It was a calming saturday morning, the birds were chirping and the sun was high. Until someone decided to show up.

"Hey rookie!" A voice said from the front door. Low and behold there is Creighton, your one and only rival. "What do you want Creighton?" You spat rudely.

"I've come to challenge you to a cook-off!" He responded happily. The people in the restaurant were shocked of course, "Who would win?" their voices mumbled.

"So are you in rookie, or are you too scared of loosing?" He said with a smirk on his face, you weren't gonna lie to yourself, you thought it was cute. But of course he was your rival, so you accepted.

Seeing as you accepted, he smiled happily as you begrudgingly made your way to the kitchen. Once there he looked confused, tilting his head slightly. "Are we fighting here?" He asked, you were confused. Where else would you fight? On a damn rooftop? No, obviously not. So what does he mean?

"Why can't we do it here?" You asked. "Well, it's... Too small, can we do it somewhere else?" He responded. "Then let's do it in a bigger kitchen, which we don't have." You put emphasis on those words, he just smiled happily and said "Why don't we do it in my restaurant!" He said.

"Well are you coming?" He asked as he was at the front door, so you simply followed in suit. The customers watched as you two went out of the door. "Whoose gonna win?" A voice asked, "Why don't we find out?" Another one said, so they followed too and went towards Creighton's restaurant.


We finally made it there and I was literally sweating, what was I going to do? What would happen if I lose? But all my thoughts came to a sudden halt when he said something.

"Y/N hurry up, I'm a very impatient man!" That was my que to get out of the car (Which Creighton so kindly let me in) and waddle my way towards him, I would be lying if I said I wasn't nervous, but at the same time, I kept a cool face. (Which was very hard)

We went inside and to my horror, camera men walked in. He owns a show, how could I forget that? Now if I lose it will be broadcasted and then grandpa will see andthenIwillbetheworstchefin- my thoughts were cut off by Creightons voice, "Y/N are you ok? Are you getting intimidated by the cameras?" He teased.

"N-no I'm not!" I responded, god damn it the stupid stutter messed me over, he obviously noticed and I don't know how it was possible but his smirk got larger, his ego bubble was obviously filling up and I oh so badly wanted to pop it but I knew I just couldn't.

"Well here is my kitchen!" He boasted, it was obviously much bigger than mine but I wasn't jealous, I am actually quite happy with what I have. "Lets start the cook-off!" One of the customers said, so finally we started.

We were put under a timer of 3 hours, and whoever loses is going to get embarrassed on live TV.


I started to cook, Y/N was also doing the same. I would be lying if I said that she was average, she was infact not, and anyone who says otherwise are either stupid, or mentally troubled. For our challenge I was going to make a chocolate souffle with a red wine and strawberry compote. I don't know what Y/N was making, but it smelled amazing.

I proceeded to look over to see that she was baking something? I was visibly confused and then went back to my dish and then...


I heard Creighton scream. I looked over and saw that he burnt his hand, I immediately went over to check on him, since this was a live show, they couldn't cut it but I could care less about the show, I needed to help Creighton. "Are you ok?" He shook his head no, I took his non burnt hand and led him to the faucet, then I grabbed his hand and put it over the water, luckily a first aid kit was near by, so I wrapped his hand in gauze after medicating it, and kissed it, he looked confused so I explained "Whenever I was hurt my mother kissed my wounds to feel better, it always worked" I closed my eyes while reminiscing, "Your alright now, lets get back to cooking!" he nodded in response.

We finally finished our dishes and served them to the guests, and the person who won was...




"It's a tie!"

"A TIE?!?" Creighton and I yelled in unison.

Well, I guess it can't be helped, both of us did do good.


I couldn't beleive it... I was tied with the rookie, then I looked down to my hand. She did help me, then my brain trailed off to them kissing it. Thats it, I'm not washing this hand for a whole week. We both went back home after that, I still can't forget about that moment, it constantly replayed in my head. I've liked them since the start but this drove me off to an extent.

Then I got an idea "when I was hurt my mother kissed the spot and it made it better!" I ran to one of the one of my guards and asked them to punch me in the face, they asked why but did it anyways... Oh god my face hurts, I ran to Y/N's restaurant and opened the front door that already said closed. Perfect. "Creighton why are you her- Oh my god what happened to your face!" They asked worriedly, "I got punched in the face" I looked down at the ground for extra effect. My face hurts so damn much right now. They sat me down and grabbed a medkit, I just watched. Y/N did the thingy that people do and then asked me why I got punched in the face, I simply answered "So you could kiss it better!~"

(First chapter done! Hope you liked it.)

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