~Beach Episode!~

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We finally did it! I managed to snag a day where everyone was free and invite them to a beach! Creighton, Johnny, Vivian and me! I'm so exited.


(Tasty Hills Chatbox)

Y/N: When is everyone free? I wanna go to the beach with you guys.

King👑: I'm free at Saturday, you should be happy I'm coming.

realvivisaur: I'm free at Saturday too.

Wholesome Shy Bean: I can come at Saturday too, also please change my name please.

Y/N: Good, so its on Saturday. Also no Bean, we aren't changing your name.


And that leads us to here, at the Ootori beach resort! The best one I could find. (Creighton helped with payment, god bless him.)

We were all wearing swimsuits of course. (The Clothes up above are what your wearing.)

Most of us were red from looking at each other, I was looking mostly at Creighton... What the hell, all we do is cook, why is he so fit!?

"Are you looking at me Y/N?" He asks me in a teasing manner.

I turn red.

I have reached the form of a tomato.

"I definitely am not!" I say as I look away, I didn't wanna look like a pervert after all, that's unladylike.

"Admit it, I have a nice body." He says inching closer.

"No!" I say stubbornly.

"What ever you say Y/N." He says backing away while smirking.

"Let's go and swim!" I say trying to change the subject.

I grabbed a water gun and shot Creighton, Johnny and Vivian.

"Oh girl, your on." Vivian says as she gets one too.

"Y/N, that wasn't nice." Johnny says as he gets another water ballon.

"Oh, Y/N. You've made the biggest mistake in your life." He grabs the biggest water gun I've ever seen.

I make a run for it, they can't catch me!

What what I said before I conviently tripped. Life just hates me at this point doesn't it?

I got up quickly and ran for the sea water and reload my gun, this is gonna hurt.

I shoot.

"Shots fired, shots fired!" I yell at them, "Everyone close your eyes, this is seawater!" I say.

"Checkmate, Y/N." Creighton says from behind me.

Eh?! When did he get there?!, what do I do?

"Put the gun down Y/N, or else I'll shoot." He says, I don't have a choice. If I try to grab his arm and gain control of the gun, the others will shoot me while my back is turned. I only have one option left, Jump.

I jumped as high as I could, it made a big enough splash to wet both parties.

Creighton shot me with his gun, this was it... The queens rule is over.

I dramatically fell down, Creighton caught me in his arms. The other pair were giggling.

"You are now dead, join me in the high grounds my queen." He say, just as dramatically as me, at this point Johnny and Vivian were in tears and laughing in the waters.

"Thank you, thank you!" I say.

"Also Creigh, where'd you get your water gun? It's so big!" I ask him

He wiggles his eyebrows "Not as big as my-" I cover his mouth.

"No, not today. It's time to stop." I cut him off, my face is probably red again.

"Well- who wants to play volleyball?" Vivian suggests.

"Sure, why not?" I respond.

The teams are, Johnny/Vivian, Y/N/Creighton.

"Go get it Creigh!" "You can do this Johnny!"

In the end, we ended up winning.

It was starting to get dark after 5 games.

"Hey Y/N, I'll go check our room." Johnny said before walking towards a hotel
We finished everything and went into the hotel.

"Are you going too Creigh?" I ask him, "Nah, I'll just watch the sky for now." He responds.

Me and Vivian was off to a secluded area, and after a few moments... we hear the sand shifting behind us.

"Hey pretty girls, you wanna go with us to somewhere fun?" A hoarse voice came from the figure.

"Leave us alone!" I yelled at it, giving Vivian the upper hand to run away.

"Get over her you little-"

"Sir, I advise you to leave my friends alone."

"Creigh!?" I say as I look at him. It's him.

"Who the hell are you?" It asked.

"Creighton Styles, of course." He says before punching the thing in its face, knocking it out successfully.

"I could've done it myself Creigh!" I tell him off, "I was scared..." I said while slightly teared up.

"Shh... it's ok now." He rubs my back, "Let's go back to the hotel now."

"Y/N! You're okay!" Vivian yelled out, "It's good to see your safe!" Johnny said, obviously relieved.

"We have another problem though..." Johnny says in dismay.

"We only have two beds." Vivian added.

"That's not really a problem, let's just sleep next to each other." I suggested, "I call dibs on Y/N!" Creighton says happily.

"Alright, Vivian and Johnny will share." The two turn red.

We all go to the room, and after changing... quickly fainted into bed.

"Good night everyone, this was a very nice beach episode."

(Thanks for reading, got memories from OHSHC.)

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