Cooking With Creighton

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"Hello everyone! Welcome to my new series Cooking With Stars! Today we will be cooking with..." I replicated a drumroll on the counter.

"Creighton! The king of the kitchen!" Creighton walked into camera.

"Soo uhh, what are we making today?" Creighton asked, "Were making the new cake trend on Bitter, a Chocolate Crepe Cake!

"I already have the ingredients prepared so lets attempt to perfect this!" I say grabbing the Butter, Flower, Cocoa Powder, Milk and Eggs.

We sat on the counter watching tutorials for a good minute until we thought we were good.

"Lets go make the flou- I mean batter." Creighton silently giggled, "We don't have a farm Y/N, how are we gonna make the flou-" "Let's just get started" I say while putting my hand on his mouth.

And because life absolutely despises me...

An accident happened.

"*Mix *mix *mi- HOLY CHEsNuts!" Then came a very loud laugh from Creighton, I misclicked the mixer to go max speed, and now I'm covered in flour.

"It's not funny Creigh..." I said with a pout, and a idea popped in my head...

I grabbed the frosting he was working on and sprayed him with it, "Ack! Y/N!!"

"That's what you get for laughing at me." We spent a whole hour in a food fight and then cut to where we were clean and everything was fixed.

"Lets start assembling!" I said while Creighton was still giggling, "Creighton, your in charge of the ganache, I'll assemble."

He nodded in agreement, we started to work and-

A few moments later

"Creighton, my arms hurt... Help me." I say while slumping over to him. "Gosh, you would be useless without me." he says while smirking.

We finally finished making the crepes, the instructions said make 30 so me and Creighton made 15 each.




"FiNallY dOne!" Both me and Creighton say at the same time. "Now lets cover it up with ganache!" We watched in absolute awe as the ganache covers the Crepe Cake.

"Omigawshwediditwediditwediditwedidit-" We chanted like jumped children who ate five cakes and is currently on a sugar rush.

"Lets eat this now." I said, Creighton simply nodded in agreement.

"Oh it looks so good!" I cut up a piece and fed it to Creighton, god dang it was good.

"Yay, were done!" I say as Creighton slumps his arm around me.

"Thank you for watching this episode of Cooking With Stars!"

I'm so tired, but in all honesty

It's fun cooking with Creighton.

(Sorry for the short chapter, I couldn't think of anything else to say... QmQ)

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