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"PATRICK!!!" Darryl said shaking him awake. It was almost 7 and the sun was still setting.

"Darryl. Is something wrong, Calm down." Patrick said still trying to wake up.

"Oh my Noch, you scared the life out of me!" Darryl almost yelled 

"Okay, slow down, is everything alright."  Pat said trying to calm him down 

"Sigh.....I herd what happened with.... Her, and I came here to check on you to see how you where holding up, and I just saw you on the floor and freaked out a bit. I thought you mighta fainted, or hurt, or well SOMETHING, and I didn't want to louse two of my best friends on the same day..." 

"W-well, I understand Darryl." 

"So..... I did come here to ask, how are you holding up...?" 

There was a pause 

"To be honest..." he started shaking his head "Not well. She needed help, and I let her down." He started to cry "I promised her dad, I promised Azura,....I promised myself. And right now, she could be hurt,well, dead, alive, evil, good and we don't know." 

"....Don't worry, we'll get her back" he smiled " Then you two can do all the cute, lovey dovey stuff you want." he laughed in hopes Pat would start laughing, which he did.

"You know, I can really hate you sometimes." Pat said in a joking tone 

"Everyone does at one point." 

All the laughter was interrupted by a guard running quickly to deliver a message to General Patrick.

"SIRE!" a guard said from the ground. 

"What is it?" Darryl said shouting through the window. 

"S-sir Darryl, is Patrick with you?" 

"I'm right here" Pat said walking to the window. "Is there something wrong?"

"W-Well, Sir Zerrageinth and Queen Ceris are at the gates, they both injured and need medical attention." the guard said. 

"I'll be there in a minuet, and bring some of the medical staff." Patrick yelled down to the knight. 

  Pat and Darryl ran to the gates, they saw Zerrageinth and Ceris's being helped by medical staff. Zerrageinth was wearing a long black cloak and had a scar going across his face from his forehead to his chin. And Ceris was wrapped in bandages, she had scars and bruises all over her arms and face, she had blood trickling down her lip. Since Ceris was being carried of to the medical ward, they walked over to Zerrageinth. 

"I suppose you know what happened to the End City." Zerrageinth said. 

"Yes, Rain and Stella told us what happened" Darryl said, Pat was still a bit worried and stayed quiet. 

"The new Enderwatchers got back here safe?" 

"Yes. A couple scratches, but they're fine." 

"H-hey, Zerrageinth? Before the city was destroyed...has anyone...disappeared or was kidnapped recently...?" Pat said quietly, Zerrageinth looked like he was trying to remember something." 


"What!" Darryl and Patrick said simultaneously 

   "I don't remember who it was, but about a week before the city was attacked I overheard a conversation, Ceris was talking to a married couple, they where talking about they're daughter and for the life of me I can't remember her name who went missing, her house trashed, with no sign of her. Why do you ask?" 

"W-Well... A-Azura was...k-kidnapped by the horde.." Patrick said quietly. 

"What...!" Zerrageinth said shocked 

"Yes, we're going to try to form a plan, to get her out." Stella said while her and Rain where walking to the three of them. 

"Ah so the meeting has been scheduled." Darryl said in a positive voice. 

"Meeting?" Patrick said a bit confused. 

  "We thought you'd want to take immediate action on this situation, so we thought this would be better to do." Rain said. 

 "Well, I appreciate it" Pat smiled "Thank you guys. B-but shouldn't, Ceris and Zerrageinth have a say in this, there people are also locked in the Neather- "

 "The meeting is scheduled for tomorrow, I can use a couple heeling spells to make her better by then." Stella said. "And if she's not able to get there, we can try to bring the meeting to her." 

"Okay. Sir Zerrageinth, you can stay in the castle if you'd like." Patrick said 

"Thank you Sir Patrick." he said walking to the castle 

  Patrick, Rain, Darryl, and Stella spent another few minuets talking, even though it wasn't the same not having Azura there. Patrick tried to avoid talking, even when Rain tried to start a fight (as a joke) they could tell he missed her and is worried sick about her, so they weren't offended when he said he was going home early. 

when he got back home, he went up to his room, put the letter and photo on his nightstand, and fell asleep.....

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