The Aftermath

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When Darryl walked into the room he saw Lyra lying on the hospital bed, her wound was wrapped in bandages. She was hooked up to a lot of machines keeping her alive. It was hard for the bandit to watch, which is saying a lot. He sat down in the chair next to the her hospital bed and held her hand. He spent at least half an hour trying to think of what he could possibly say to her, yes she might be unconscious but he wanted to at least say something to her. She could only have one visitor for an hour a day because of her needing to recover from her injuries. 

"H-Hey...Lyra...It's me, Darryl......I just wanted to say that I'm sorry...I'm sorry for not being fast enough you when you needed you where there for me when a wither skeleton shot tended to my injuries and you helped me recover.... and I'm sorry I couldn't do the same for you..." 

"Sir Darryl..." The doctor spoke quietly entering the room. "You have about ten minuets, so you might want to start wrapping this up. Okay?" he said leaving the room again. 

The bandit sighed pulling off his mask, he leaned over and kissed Lyra on the forehead 

"I love you...and I hope you can recover soon." he said before walking out. 

Once he left the room he saw both Patrick and Azura. Their wounds where wrapped and they where sitting right where they where when he went in, and Azura was asleep on Patrick's shoulder and Pat's arm was wrapped around the sleeping girl, he was still awake. 

"Darryl....are you okay...?" Pat said. 

He shook his head. "I'm going back to my house. See you later general." The bandit said walking away. 

"Pat...?" Azura said waking up. 


"I'm scared...I don't want Darryl to beat himself up over something that he had no control over."

"I don't want him either... but he has to figure that out himself, all we can do is be there for him when he needs it."

"Yeah...hey um could we go back to your house, I'm tired."

"Okay, Lets go-" 

"Patrick, Azura?" Rain said walking up to the two of them. "Do you know where Stella is?" 

"We thought she was with you?" They said. "We saw her run in the castle so we thought she was going with you to lock up Herobrion." 

"Do you need help looking for her?" Azura asked. 

"No thanks, I can look for her myself." 


After almost two hours of looking through the whole castle,when the dragon tamer went up to go check the armory all he herd was yelling, and when he opened the he door just a crack, Rain found...Ceris, she was infuriated and yelling when he opened the door a little more he found Stella. She was on the floor crying and Ceris was screaming at her. 


"That's ENOUGH Ceris!" Rain yelled opening up the door. The End Matrirach didn't even flinch or turn around. 

"Leave Dragontamer, This is none of your business." She said in a sharp tone. 

"Well If someone is yelling at my girlfriend, whatever it is becomes. My. Business. Matrirach." Rain replied. 

"...girlfriend?..." Ceris said confused. 

After they came back from their mission to the covern, Rain and Stella started dating in secret. Nobody even suspected it or knew, not even Darryl, Azura, or Pat. So even Stella was a bit surprised when he called her his girlfriend in front of Ceris. 

"FINE. Rain if you want to get involved, look at Stella's left arm."  

Rain sighed then walked over to the enchantress and sat down in front of her. Stella quickly hid her arm behind her back and started to shake her head and started crying again. Rain just hugged her tightly, but after a few minuets of tears and hugs Rain whispered to her.

"Hey... I'm just concerned, that's all. If you don't want to show me or you feel uncomfortable about it you don't have to, I can talk with Ceris about it later. Okay...?" 

"...R-Rain....I'm scared...that you'll be mad and...yell at me..." She said quietly. 

"I won't yell at you..." 

"You promise...?" 

"I Promise..." Rain said and kissed Stella on the forehead. Stella slowly revealed her arm from behind her back and rolled down her sleeve to reveal what look like ice blue burns that almost compleatly covered a part of her arm. Rain was scared, he did know what was wrong with her. "Sorcerer scars... A painful and unhealable wound that appears on a witch or a wizard's on their body because of using too much of their magic power at once, normally the same color as the magic of the user and can be.....fatal to the person when you have too many..." The dragontamer's blood ran cold. Unhealable. Too much power. Fatal. Last thing he saw was darkness then he woke up at his house in bed with a bad headache. He looked over to see Stella asleep next to him. Rain carefully got up and went downstairs to see Ceris just sitting at the table. 

"You're finally up." 

"Yeah, what exactly happened?" 

"Well I was starting to explaining what Sorrcerer Scars where and then you passed out. So Stella and I brought you back to your house, and well you probably saw her but she got tired and fell asleep next to you." 

"Starting to explain?" 


"Is there something else I should know?" 

"Yes. Both my parents died of the scars...." Ceris started to tear up. "Those scars will cause a slow, painful, and miserable death, THAT I DON'T WANT ANY OF MY FRIENDS TO EVER GO THROUGH!" She yelled. 

There was just a long silence. 

"Dragontamer? I love you and Stella so much..." 

Rain looked at Ceris confused, it took her a few seconds to realise what she said and she turned bright red from embarrassment. 

"AS FRIENDS! Sorry I left that part out." Ceris said 

"It's okay Ceris." 

"Anyway I should probably get going, oh and tell Stella that we all have a meeting tomarrow at 4pm. Night" The End Matrirach said leaving. 

"I will, night." 

(Hey guys, just wanted to say hi and I hope you are having a good week, Stay safe you guys >w<) 

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