The Fall of Frostbourne...?

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About month had passed since the whole prank had gone down. Everyone, knights and villagers was sitting on pins and needles waiting for Naeus's next attack and where preparing for it so they won't be too surprised for when it comes. But even with all the prepping, it somehow got them by surprise. 

It was 4:00 am when Patrick and Azura herd the sirens go off, meaning the Neather was there. 

"Ughhhhhhh, seriously, It's like 4am. What the heck!" Azura yawned not wanting to get out of bed, Patrick on the other hand was up and getting his armor on. 

"Come on blueberry, you have to get up." Pat said poking her shoulder.

"Finnnnnnnnneeeeee." Azura sighed getting up out of bed to get her wings. 


After about three minuets, The scholar took to the skies to join Rain and the Ender Dragon, and the general put on his helmet ran out the battlefield to see both Lyra and Darryl fighting some wither skeletons and pigmen. He ran over to help. 

"Took you long enough!" Darryl said shooting a wither skeleton. 

"Sorry." Patrick replied. 

"Hey, better late then never." Lyra laughed. 

"I guess..." The bandit said rolling his eyes. 

"Can you guys hold down the fort here while I go see if anyone else needs help?" 

"Yeah." Darryl said. 

"We'll be fine!" Lyra said fighting off a pigman. 

The general said nothing and ran off to see if any of the other knights needed help when he ran into Karlos, the new Neather lieutenat. 

//With Rain and Lady Azura//

Meanwhile in the sky, the scholar and dragon tamer where swarmed with wither angels and ghasts. Hundreds to a thousand emerged from the portals every few seconds, and the Frostbourne only had two sky fighters and a dragon. Azura and Rain both had already ran out of bullets and had to use there swords and or claws to take down anything that flew towards them.

"Rain!" Azura said through her walki talki. "We won't last much longer out here alone." 

"I know...and the ground just looks worse." 

"We just have to pray to Notch that not many are coming-" 

After the scholar finished her sentence, a couple thousand of wither angles came along with some ghasts. 

"You were saying...?" Rain said. 

"SERIOUSLY!?" Azura shouted 

The enchantress stood on the wall looking at the fight above her and watched as her friend and boyfriend struggled to survive. Worried she flipped through her spellbooks looking for a spell to help, and after about ten seconds swords made of energy and light flew at the ghasts and wither angles killing off a good portion them. 

"Thank you Stel.<3" Rain said through the walki talki 

"No problem!" She replied turning her attention back to the mobs on the ground. 

After a while, Azura saw Naeus emerge from the main ground portal. 

"Hey Rain! You take the rest of these guys, I'm going after Naeus!" She shouted to him. 

"Alright, stay safe, okay?" 

"Okay!" She said flying straight towards the Neather King, blades drawn and ready. 

//With Ceris and Abigail//

The End Matriarch, The End Dancer, and the End Knights fought alongside the Frostbourne village. After everything they've done for them, they said it was the least they could do. Ceris was again using the dragonseer's weapon to fire spells at the horde. While Abigail was standing on the wall shooting arrows from her bow with the other archers. 

But then, a ghast fired a fireball right where the archers where standing, and lot of moved quickly out of the way. But since Abigail was the former Neather princess, fire or lava didn't harm/effect her, the explosion on the other hand did in fact make the girl trip and fall off the wall. Abby braced herself for the hard landing...

but when she opened her eyes, she was in the Matriarch's arms behind a tree taking cover from arrows being shot at them. 

"C-C-Ceris!" Abigail said trying to hide her blushing. "W-what...? Y-You..? Th-the wall..."

"Heh, flustered huh Abby." She laughed making Abigail blush more, Ceris took of her mask. "You okay?" She asked. 

"Y-yeah...I'm fine." She said. Ceris smiled. 

"Good, I have to get back to the battle. Stay safe out there..." The Matriarch said before running back to help an injured enderman who was fighting a wither skeleton. 

'Wh-what's going o-on...w-what is th-this...feeling...?' Abigail thought to herself before going to help out. 

//Back with the General and Karlos.// 

Karlos had Patrick on the ground with his foot on the general's chest and his blade to his heart. Patrick tried to reach for his spears, but they where an inch too far from his reach. Pat looked to his left to see the battle going on, he saw thousands fallen and injured knights, withers, and endermen. Azura was still fighting Naeus. And on his right, he saw a lot of the houses, stores, ect where burning or already burnt down and the fire was spreading fast. The Frostbourne general lied his head back down on the cobbelstone ground. 

"Any last words General...?" Karlos said grinning. 

Pat said nothing and just closed his eyes accepting his fate as there was nothing else he could do to prevent it. But all he herd was metal clashing against each other. The general's eyes shot open to see....

To be continued.... 


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