A Cat?

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It was....a cat? The cat was more like a kitten, he was a black cat but patches of fur where missing, he looked as if he hadn't eaten in days. Patrick put his spear back and slowly approached the little kitten. The kitten was a little frightened at first but when Patrick held out his hand, the little cat sniffed his hand and let the general pet him. Pat quickly realised how skinny the poor cat was, you could see his ribs. The genera handed Darryl some money with his free hand. 

"Darryl, go into town and get this kitten something to eat, I'll stay here and make sure he doesn't run away or something." 

"What do cats even eat?" The bandit replied. 

"Fish? I don't know, do you know anyone who'd know this stuff?" 

"I sure do. I'll find them and bring them here." He said leaving. 

Patrick picked up the the kitten and the two of them sat down next to a tree and Pat started to pet him. He didn't seem to mind it. The more Patrick looked at the kitten, the mote he realised that his one of his eyes was a teal green and his other eye was a light blue. After a few minuets Darryl came back with Azura and a bag of cat food. Azura took some of the cat food from the bag and gave it to the kitty. Which he ate all the food in her hand in a few seconds.

"There you go little guy." She said "For now let's get him to my house?" 

"Okay" Patrick and Darryl said. 

///At Azura's house/// 

When they got the cat to her house, she got out an old box that had a whole lot of cat stuff in it. Both the guys where very confused how and why she had so much cat stuff like a food and water bowl, cat toys, and a cat bed, ect. 

"I always wanted a kitty okay." Azura said while poring cat food into the food bowl. 

"...Anyway, I have night watch, so I'll check on you two in a bit." Darryl said walking off. 

"Okay. Bye Darryl."Azura and Patrick waved to the bandit as he left. 

"Pat, can you fill this with water?" She said handing him the water bowl. 

"Don't cats drink milk?" 

"Actually, cow milk is bad for cats, it gives them an upset stomach. So no." (Yes this is a true fact) 

"Oh, okay blueberry." Patrick said while getting a water pitcher from the fridge. "So, how long have you wanted a cat for?" 

"Well since I was like 3 years old. My dad was always allergic so I never could have one." She frowned while petting the kitten who had compleatly devoured the food in the bowl and was lying next to the scholar. Patrick handed Azura the water bowl and smiled. 

"Well if you love cats so much. Why don't you take care of him. Or at least until we find an owner, but from the looks of it I don't think he dose." Patrick said pointing at the little cat. 

"R-really?!" Azura looked at him happily. 

"Yep. You have the stuff needed to take care of a cat." 

Azura ran over to Pat and tackled him into a hug 

"EEEEEEEK, THANK YOU PATRICK. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" She had the most happy smile on her face. "I promise, I will take care of the little furball!" 

"And I'll help." he smiled "I can watch him when you are working all day or on the night watch. So, what ya going to name him?" 

"Huh....OOOH, how about Shadow?" 

"Aw, I think it suits him."

"Well, Patrick....could you help me give Shadow a bath?" 

"Sigh, okay." 

It turns out that Shadow likes baths, and he has a ton of energy hidden in his little cat self which gave both Azura and Patrick a hard time but it was still fun. After they where done washing Shadow, the two of them where very tired, a lot of there energy was drained. Pat and Az just lied down on the couch and cuddled up to one another. Little Shadow hopped up and lied down next to the two of them and fell asleep. 

"God I didn't know that, that little fur baby could be so fast." Azura yawned while lying her head down on Pat.

"Yeah, well he's our fur baby now." Patrick laughed while yawning. 

Azura blushed while she muttered something before passing out a few seconds later. Pat blushed and kissed her on the forehead. "Night blueberry." He whispered to her before falling asleep. Darryl kept to his word and went back to check on them, but when he got there and saw that they where asleep, he said nothing and just walked over to a basket which had a fluffy gray blanket. He threw the blanket over his two sleepy friends being careful not to trap Shadow under it, after the bandit smiled and walked away.

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