A Threat (Back Home part 2)

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Patrick ran around the base for half an hour trying to find Azura, until one of the knights ran up to him. It was Leo, one of the more experienced knights. 

"General!" The knight yelled.

"What is it Sir Leo. is the horde back?" 

"No sire, it's the Ice Shards!" Leo started.

The Ice Shard's, a dark, wicked, and merciless guild. They are known to have ties with the Horde and to have fought in their battles, many times. And what's worse is that The Ice Shards are located in a cave not far from the village of Frostbourne and where a big threat to the safety of the village and it's people. 

"They have two children held hostage, and are threatening to hurt them-" 

"They did WHAT!  HOSTAGES! CHILDREN! Do those bastards have ANY morals at all!" Patrick yelled. 

"A-a-also, the leader demanding to see you, alone, and no weapons, or they would hurt the children if you don't go to their base before sundown." 

" I-I'll...be there as soon as possible." Pat said leaving to go back to his house to change into his armor. 

  He did exactly what the leader said. He didn't bring any weapons at all, not even the pocket-knife he carries around at all times, and Patrick went alone. He didn't waste a second of time, he ran all the way to the cave, and almost instantly, the guards at the door drew their weapons as soon as they saw him but the leader shooed them away. 

"Well, well, well. It's been a while General Patrick." The Ice Shard's leader spoke. 

"Let's cut the chit chat. Where. Are. The. Kids. Christopher!" Patrick yelled.

  The leader pointed to a boy and a girl being guarded by three guards, both of the children where unconscious. The boy couldn't have been older then ten, and the girl couldn't have been over seven. Pat tried to run to them but the guards wouldn't let him pass. Christopher walked up behind him, drawing a bowie knife and held it up to Patrick's neck and whispered to him. 

  "Now, hears the thing. King Naeus asked us to do a favor for him. He wanted us to bring you to him, he said he'd prefer you dead so he won't have to deal with you. So here's the deal, If you want the children to go back home to their parents Unharmed, then you'll come quietly. But if you want to be difficult, heh...Lets just say, some blood will be spilled." Chris said starting to laugh. 

"...If I turn myself in...you won't lay a finger on them!"

"I swear, my men will not harm a hair on their little heads, and I will make sure of that!" 

Pat slowly put his hands up saying nothing. 

"Smart move General. Now on your knees." 

Patrick obeyed, he got down on his knees his hands still raised. Chris kept his knife up to the general's neck. Knowing what was coming, Pat shut his eyes, accepting this fate. But to his surprise it never came. All he herd was a gust of wind and metal clanking. Patrick quickly opened his eyes to see Azura. She had tackled Christopher and had her metal claws up to his throat, and she had shot the three guards surrounded the two kids. 

"Think fast General." Azura said throwing one of Pat's spear's at him, which he caught and cut down someone trying to sneak up on them.

"Thanks Azura." Pat said to her. 

"Get the kids, Thank me later." Azura said killing anyone who tried to attack them. 

"Got it!" Pat said picking up both of the kids and heading to the cave's exit, shortly followed by Azura. 

  When they got to the gates the two kids who had woke up almost instantly saw their parents who where talking with a Frostbourne guard, and the children ran up to their mom and dad followed by Azura and Pat. 

"Mom, Dad!" the boy and girl screamed to their parents.

  "James, Isabel!" The mother of the two yelled in happiness and relief and the parents hugged their children." We where so worried, I'm so glad you're safe!" the father spoke.

"It was thanks to them." the boy known as James said pointing to Lady Azura and General Patrick. The mother let go of the kids and walked over and hugged them. 

"Thank you. Thank you so much for bringing them back to me and my husband." the lady cried. 

"It's nothing ma'am." Azura said back. 

After quite a few minuets of talking the sun started to go down, and after changing into something less combat-ish Patrick and Azura where walking in a park alone, the stars and sky where beautiful and it started to snow, and Patrick thought it was the best time to ask her the question that he thought about all day. 

"H-Hey...um Azura...?" 

"Hm, Yes Pat?" 

"Well, I was wondering... If you'd like...to..."

"To, what?" 

"I-If you'd...well...go to the Crystal Celebration...with me." 

"R-really..." Azura blushed (>///<) 

"Yes...would you be my date to the Crystal Celebration?" Patrick said blushed as well. 

"I-I....I'd love to Pat." Azura smiled hugging him. 

The two of them heard a small noise that sounded like a fangirl trying to not scream. They take out their weapons and go to look behind the bush to see Darryl and Lyra trying not to squeal at the top of their lungs, but when they saw that Az and Pat found them, they both ran back to Darryl's house.

"Huh, I wonder if Darryl or Ly are going?" Pat said partly annoyed. 

"Same." Azura said shivering. 

Without a minuet of hesitation Patrick took off the hoodie he was wearing and gave it to Azura. 

"T-thanks, but what about you?" Azura said putting on his jacket.  

"I'll be fine-Ahh Darn it." Pat said looking at Azura's house that was still trashed, and had a broken window which he just realised. "Well...uhhh...want to stay with me tonight?" Patrick said 

"Heh, I mean I really don't have much choice do I?" Azura said with a laugh. "and yes, I would like that." she blushed. 

"Race ya to my place." 

"You're on!"

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