The Crystal Celebration part 2

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  Both Patrick and Azura where walking around trying to find something to do, when they saw a big group of people both kids and adults. When the two of them moved closer to see what was going on, they herd music and the villagers where dancing. A few seconds later, Azura  grabbed him by the arm and pulled him towards the dace floor. 

"Azura. Is this a bad time to mention that I don't know how to dance?" he said with a laugh. 

"A little, but we used to dance all the time when where kids?" Azura said putting his hands on her waist.

"Well, don't know, forgot, same difference." Patrick said, and Azura giggled. 

"Just follow my lead, okay?" 

"I'll try." 

They herd the next song start, It was more of a romantic song, the two of them blushed. Azura quickly put her hands on his shoulders before the dance started. The dance overall was pretty simple, but Patrick, still struggled. But when the dance was over, Azura leaned over and quickly kissed Pat on the cheek. 

The two of them left the floor and went to the park to be alone, they where holding hands,  laughing, and Azura was wearing Patrick's jacket (Again) but the two of them saw someone they recognize quickly.

"Hello General Patrick. Lady Azura." Naeus laughed. 

But then Patrick pushed Azura behind him (knowing she didn't bring a weapon) and he quickly drew his pocket knife. 

"I don't think you'd want to do that, General." Christopher said from behind the Neather King. 

Patrick looked over at Azura. She was shaking of fear, her arms wrapped around him tightly and she started to cry.  

"Go" Patrick whispered to her "Go, Get everyone, we can't face him alone if we want to win." 

"B-But...What about y-you!?" Azura whispered trying to stop crying.  

"I'll keep him busy, you need to go-"

"NO!" Azura said trying to keep her voice down. "I can't just leave you hear..." she held his hand tight. "I can't anyone else that I love.

"Neither can I....I'll be fine, don't worry..." 

Azura stayed silent for a moment before running off. Chris drew a hand gun and aimed it at Azura but Naeus stopped him. The two of them turned their attention to the general.  

"Let's dance general." the skeleton king said, drawing his blade. 


Azura was running even though she could hardly see a few feet in-front of her. The tears in her eyes blinded her to the point where she couldn't hold them in anymore. She searched endlessly for her friends, she kept on running and running around trying to find them until she tripped and fell to the ground. Azura just lied there crying and scared, then she herd voices that helped her calm down. 

"Hey, Az, what's wrong?" Stella said concerned. 

"Are you okay?" Rain asked.

She just shook her head. "!" 

"What! What happen-" Darryl started but Lyra elbowed him in the gut to get him to shut up. 

"Darryl, stop yelling. I know he's one of your friends, but we won't get anywhere if the one person who knows what is happening to him can't even say it without crying!" 

"Thanks Ly." Rain said then turned to Azura. "Do you know where he is?" 

She nodded. "T-the park." Azura said a bit calmer. 

"Then let's go." Stella said while helping Azura up.


The five of them ran to the park, And Azura lead them to where her and Pat where when Naeus and Chris shown up, but they couldn't find them, the Guildmaster and the Skeleton king where nowhere in sigh. Eventually, after a few minuets of searching, they found Patrick. He was lying in the snow, He had a gash across his chest and arms, his shirt was soiled in blood, he was pale and cold from the blood loss and being outside without a jacket for too long, and a bit of blood was trickling down his lip. Seeing him that hurt brought Azura to tears. 

"Stand back." Stella said casting a healing spell on him, it turned all of the cuts on him into scars, but he didn't wake up. 

"Why isn't he getting up!?" Darryl yelled. 

"He must be passed out from the cold, not the blood loss." Stella turned to Azura. "Hey... don't worry, he'll be alright, we just need to get him inside. Can you take him to his house to recover?" 

"O-okay." Azura smiled knowing he will be alright. She walked over and got him up and back to his house

When she got there she got him out of he's blood soaked clothes and into some sweatpants and a long-sleeved T-shirt. After that, Azura lied him down on the couch and lit the fireplace and buried him in blankets, then went to go "borrow" some of his cloths, and went to go check on him. 

'He's still cold?' Azura thought to herself as she saw him still shivering. Next thing she knew she was cuddled up next to him, Patrick quickly stopped shivering and just relaxed and Azura found herself slowly falling asleep next to him. 

(Heyyy, well uh yeah that's the end of this chapter. If there are any Pazura moments you want me to add then please tell me or any other moments for any other ships I will try to add along the way. Anyways stay safe and have a good day/night >w<)

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