The battle at the fallen city part 2

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///With Ceris and Zerrageinth/// 

  Ceris and Zerrageinth where fighting in the center of the End City Island. Ceris was still injured but was able to fight, she was using the staff that belonged to her deceased friend Voderus. The End Matriach was weaker, with fighting with a new weapon and her injuries. But thankfully Ceris known a heck ton of magic and has known it since she was young, and she had the End Dancer Zerrageinth, so she was fine. Ceris and Zerrageinth where busy cutting down wither skeletons, pigmen, and guild-men that they didn't notice the Ice Shard's Guild-master, Christopher coming up behind them with a bow and arrow, aimed for Ceris's head. 

  Turns out he's better with a gun then a bow and the arrow was off by a few inches, unlucky for him it alerted Ceris that somebody was behind her. Almost a second later she fired a beam of pure magic energy directly at Christopher which hit him head on, it didn't kill him but only hurt a lot. 

"So... you're the End Queen that goes by the name Ceris, are you not." Chris said. 

"That I am." Ceris replied. 

"King Naeus has told me about you and how he wants you dead, I shal let you know that I do not intend on failing my King again."

"And I do not intend on dyeing today." 

  Chris charged at Ceris, sword drawn. The Matriach easily dodged the attack and threw another beam of energy directly at him sending him spiraling into the ground. The guild-master drew a pistol from a fallen soldier and started taking shots at Ceris, which she dodged almost all of them, but one however the last shot hit her right in the shoulder. When Ceris was busy with her shoulder, Christopher saw this as a opportunity to get up and take her out. He quickly rose but the guild-master didn't have a chance to fire a single shot. Chris focused too much on taking down the End Matriach that he didn't notice the End Dancer sneaking up behind him. The End Dancer used his sword and stabbed Chris in the back, through his heart, Killing him instantly. 

"Heh, thanks Zerrageinth."Ceris smiled. 

"It's nothing Ceris. We're just lucky he kept his focus on you and not me." The End dancer laughed. 


///With Patrick and Azura/// 

  After they defeated all the wither angles they could find, they changed their plan. Patrick stayed on the ground while Azura flew close behind him but tried to stay out of sight. The plan is he could make the other team think he's fighting alone and then surround him, but that's when Azura would come in and they'll fight together like they would always, the plan was simple but effective. The two of them where fighting well until they heard a bolt of electricity and an evil laugh. 

"Hello again Lady Azura, General Patrick...Welcome to you're final battle." A deep and evil voice laughed. 

The two of them turned around to see a man with a pair of glowing white eyes, tan skin, brown hair, teal shirt under a gray and red chestplate, dark blue jeans, and a mask. It was the Neather General, General Herobrion. Pat looked over to Azura, she was white as snow and shaking, but her eyes, where full of anger and rage. He had never seen her so mad before. Before Patrick could even react, Azura extended her wings and flew straight to the Neather General and swung her metal claws at him, slashing him across the chest. he noticed her moves weren't out of blind rage, but where precise as if that anger and rage he saw wasn't holding her back, but was giving her the strength and energy she needed to push forward and beat the Neather General. And that is something Patrick loves about her. He quickly got his spears and ran to her side to help her fight. 

"Heh, looks like the weak little girl grew a backbone." Herobrion spoke while getting up. "Just know I won't be going easy on the two of you." 

"Good." They responded prepping their weapons. 

Herobrion tried to zap them with lightning and both Pat and Azura dispersed and tried not to get hit. While the two of them where thinking up ways to take him down Patrick was hit with lightning, thankfully it wasn't a fatal blast so he didn't die, but a simple bolt could hurt considering he was wearing full armor (Minus the helmet) so he hid behind a rock nearby in order to recover, and that's when he relised a weakness. 

"Azura!" (Patrick) 

"Pat? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" (Azura) 

"A little but I'll be fine, listen, I think I found his weakness." (Patrick) 

"I'm all ears" (Azura) 

"Herobrion's strength is his ability to manipulate lightning, obviously he can control the power of it through a weapon, which can be very deadly. But there's could be a small weakness to that. He might not be able control it as well in a close-up match, that could be why he didn't use it when you charged at him or when him and I faced off before you and Stella came with the Enderwatchers. It's just a hunch but it's better then nothing." (Patrick) 

"So fight as close as possible without getting killed, got it. Wish me luck." (Azura) 

Azura quickly ran towards Herobrion, and it turns out Patrick was right. He quickly stopped using his lightning and instead of attacking he quickly switched gears to defence mode which he wasn't the best at, Azura was able to disarm him and pretty fast and had her claws up to his throught. Herobrion sighed putting his arms up. 

"I surrender, just kill me and get it over with." He said his voice sounding annoyed but sincer. Instead of killing the Neather General she got some rope and tied up his hands behind his back, She walked up to Patrick and helped him up. 

"There you two are!" Rain said landing the Ender dragon. 

"Glad to see you're-" Stella started but then the two of them quickly noticed Herobrion and pulled out their weapons. Patrick shook his head. 

"He surrendered. He's our prisoner." He said getting on the dragon. 

Rain and Stella stayed silent but put their weapons away and helped the prisoner on while Patrick helped Azura on the dragon. She sat next to him and held his hand as they lifted off and flew through a portal leading them back to Frostbourne. 


Once they landed at the castle, Rain got off with Herobrion and went to go take him to the dungeon, and then Stella just ran inside which was confusing why but they just assumed she went to go with Rain. Azura and Patrick went to the medical floor to see if everyone was alright, but when they where just passing by they saw Darryl, he wasn't hurt or anything, he was sitting in a chair next to a room, cursing to himself. The two of them walk up to him to see what was wrong. 

"Hey Darryl? Are you okay-" Patrick started but was interupted. 

"DOES IT LOOK LIKE I'M OKAY!" He snaped looking up at the two of them. The bandit looked up at them. His eyes where red and he had tear tracks running down his face, He was crying... It was the first time they'd ever seen him cry. 

"W-what happened" Azura said scared. 

"L-Lyra...She was struck in the back by a pigman..." Darryl's hand quickly turned to a fist, he slammed his fist against his leg. "AND I DID NOTHING TO STOP IT FROM HAPPENING, NOW SHE'S HURT AND IT'S ALL MY FAULT!" He yelled. 

The two of them didn't know what to say to make the bandit feel better, so they just stayed silent and waited for the doctor to come and tell them the news. And when he finally came out we all where scared to hear the news.

"Well, good news, Lyra stable, we managed to stop the blood loss, and she has good vitals for her condition. The bad news is that...she's unconscious right now, but we are allowing her to have one visitor at a time for now, so you can decide who to see her first." 

"Darryl." Patrick and Azura said 

The bandit didn't speak or argue, he just nodded and stood up to go see his unconscious friend.

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