Pranks, Love, and...Cats? (Part 1)

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It was 4:39 am at Stella's house. Her, Rain, and Darryl where making a potion to prank the general. Both the bandit and the dragon tamer have no clue what the heck type of potion they where making, all they knew is that they where going to prank Patrick and they know that the enchantress won't hurt one of her friends or team mates. 

"So Stella, what will the potion do exactly?" Rain asked. 

"Oh, I didn't tell you guys?" She laughed sprinkling a bit of glowstone dust into the brewing stand. 

"Nope" Darryl and Rain said. 

"Oops sorry. Well we're making what's called a Neko potion. It's similar to a cat potion. Rain may you hand me the bottle labeled cat fur?" 

"What's the difference?" Darryl asked? 

"A Neko potion turns a person into a half human half cat hybrid, a cat potion turns a person into a full cat. The recipe is very simmilar so we need to be careful we don't make the wrong potion." 

"Is the potion safe?" Rain asked "we do trust you compleatly, but I kinda want to know if something could go wrong..." 

"Yes, the potion is 100% safe Rainy."  

"Oooooooo, Rainy tehehehehehehehe." 

"DARRYL!!!!" Both Stella and Rain blushed. 

"Rainellaaaaaaa!" The bandit laughed. 

"Ugh, please lets get back to the prank making, alright, alright." Stella said and the three of them getting back to making the potion. 


//at Pat and Azura's house at around 7:18// (yeah uh I kinda forgot to say that they kinda live with each other now...sorry...) 

Azura was feeding Shadow some cat food before heading to town to get a few things, and Patrick was cooking some breakfast when they herd a knock on their door. 

"I'll get it." Patrick said heading to the door. 

Pat opened the door to see Darryl, Rain, and Stella standing there. 

"Hey guys. What are you doing here?" He asked. 

"Well we wanted to hang out with a friend before having to go to work." Darryl said. 

"Okay, come in." Pat said and the three of them went inside. 

"Hey guys." Azura smiled and hugged her friends. "I'm sorry but I gotta go head into town to pick up some things then stop by my lab. I'll see you guys around. Don't bun down the place." 

"Bye!" Darryl and Rain said. 

"yes this'll make it easier to prank him." Stella mumbled to herself. 

Patrick started plating his food then offered some to everyone. 

"I'm good." Stella said since she had the potion. 

"Sure." Darryl and Rain said trying to distract the general. 

While the guys distracted Patrick, Stella quickly pored the potion in his glass of water, the potion was clear so it easily blended in, just as she put the small bottle away, the guys came back to the table. The bandit, dragontamer, and general started eating. But once Pat took a sip of water, the potion took effect immediately. Some cat ears and a tail appeared on him...but the spell seamed to...continue...his hands turned into paws and he...shrunk in the chair he was in. Rain and Darryl kept looked at the chair and then the enchantress. Stella realised what had happen when she saw an angry dark purple cat, sitting on the chair.

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