The battle at the fallen city part 1

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//This is a couple months later// 

All the Frostboure and End solders where getting their armor set's on or weapons sharpened and prepared. The plan was to take back the fallen End City from the Neather horde, so that Ceris, Zerrageinth, and the villagers can have their home back. Since it's been almost three months with the Horde having control over the End dimension, a lot of Neather troops would probably be there. We all decided to split up in teams and take on different parts of the fallen city. The guards picked who they worked with best, It was Darryl and Lyra. Rain and Stella. Ceris and Zerrageinth.  Azura with Patrick. All the teams had walkie-talkies so if one of them where in danger, the other solder or another team could try and help. 

Patrick was looking over the city, he was standing on an archer's tower, alone. The battle would start a little less then half an hour, he was scared to louse any more people, people he cares about. He doesn't want to feel that pain of loss anymore. But that feeling is one of the prices you have to pay in order to be a leader.  Azura, who was watching him, came up to him. She was one of the few people who knew how he felt. She wrapped her arms around him pulling him close to her. 

"A-are you okay, Pat?" Azura asked concerned. 

"....Y-yeah...I-I'm just a bit nervous...that's all blueberry...I'm fine." Patrick said. She obviously didn't buy it and just hugged him a bit tighter. Pat started to relax a little, he hugged her back and kissed her on the forehead. 

"Don't worry, everything will be okay."

"I...Thanks, Love you blueberry."

"I love you too Pat..." 

"Ahem." Ceris said walking in. Both Patrick and Azura pull away from each-other and blushed. "Sorry for interrupting your little moment, lovebirds, but we need to head out." She laughed. 

"R-RIGHT!" the two startled and embarrassed soldiers said simultaneously.

The three of them head to there assigned portals (Each group goes through a different portal). 


"Good luck to everyone." (Lyra)

"May we all live to see another day." (Rain) 

"And to fight another battle." (Darryl) 

"To soar once again." (Azura) 

"To speak for the voiceless." (Stella) 

"To defend the people who can't protect themselves." (Patrick)

"May the fates be on our side."(Ceris)

"And help us take back our home." (Zerrageinth) 

And just like that, the battle at the fallen End City has begun.


////With Darryl and Lyra.//// 

Ly and Darryl tried to stay close by each other but they where a bit further apart then they'd like but they could still see each-other and somehow they managed to shoot down every pigman and wither skeleton that came their way. The two of them where quickly running low on bullets, even though the two of them had a sword each and had great had-to-hand combat skills, it still was a problem they had to watch out for. Soon after they realised that they had only a few bullets left, they where surrounded. They tried fighting them off as best as they possibly could. 

"Darn it!" Lyra shouted. 

"What's wrong? You okay!" Darryl shouted right back. 

"I'm fine, I'm just out of bullets." She said drawing her sword. "I hoped I'd have enough to last at least half way through this battle." Lyra mumbled blocking a pigman that charged towards her.

"Well that does stink, I'll come help you out." Darryl replied shooting five wither skeletons down. 

The bandit turned around to see Lyra kinda struggling, he shot every mob in his path, when he got close enough he saw a pigman about to slash her from behind, he held up his rifle ready to shoot that pig down. But when the bandit pulled the trigger, all he herd was a small click. He had run out of bullets. Darryl was about to yell to alert her, but it was too late. The Pigman had already pulled his sword down easily slicing through her black leather jacket and plain white T-shirt, making a huge gash across Ly's back, and he watched as Lyra, the sweet, kind, caring woman he knew, fall to the end stone ground almost compleatly lifeless. 


/////With Stella and Rain///// 

"There she is." Stella said pointing at the deceased ender dragon. 

"Stel, are you sure this is a good idea. Reviving her, I don't want you to get yourself hurt." Rain said scared, but Stella just laughed. 

"I'll be fine, don't worry." the witch said calmly. "Can you hold off the mobs while I heal the dragon?" 

"I sure can, stay safe." 

"You too." Stella said and kissed the dragontamer on the cheek before he drew his sword and ran to go do as she asked.

Stella walked over to the dragon and started flipping the pages of her spellbooks trying to find a spell powerful enough to heal a dead dragon which took about ten minuets, she quickly started the spell. Meanwhile Rain cut down any neather mob who dared to try and attack, he hoped the spell would work a bit faster. He was using was the sword that Zerrageinth gave him, which was heavy as heck and hard to use, not only that but he was getting tired quickly and he had no time to draw his two diamond swords unless he wanted to risk getting stabbed by a pigman or skeleton. Thankfully he herd the Ender dragon's roar, Rain looked over his shoulder to see the dragon standing and killing every solder in her path, it took him a few seconds to realise Stella who was laying on the ground. Rain ran like lightning over to her, when he got over he saw her trying to sit up. 

"Stella!" Rain shouted, She looked over at him and smiled. 

"Rain, calm down I'm fine." Stella said holding onto her left arm. "When I revived her and she woke up, she accidentally knocked me over and well I fell." She explained. 

"Nothing's broken? Nothing's bruised?" He said still a bit scared. 

"Heh, I told you I'm fine....Rainy." The witch laughed calling him by his new cute nickname. Rain smiled and helped her up so they could go back to fighting. He looked back over to see Stella still holding onto her left arm which he thought nothing of. Little did the dragon tamer know what was really going on... 

(Author: I'm sorry to do this to you guys again but.......)

To be continued in the next chapter.

(Author: Again I'm sorry.)

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