The Prisoner

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///This is a few days after the battle at the End City///

After the win at the End City, the Enderwatchers had meetings left and right to plan the rebuild the city on top of the normal meetings they had to attend for The Frosbourn army, so none of the Enderwatchers had much time to do anything else. So Patrick decided to go and check on the Neather General since his girlfriend was busy working on her wings, Darryl was visiting Lyra in the hospital wing, and both Stella and Rain where passed out. When he walked down to the dungeon, he saw He saw Herobrion just sitting on his cot looking at the wall. He had been bandaged up because of the fight.  Patrick opened the door and walked in, but Herobrion didn't say anything or even turn around.

"Hello?" Patrick said in hopes for a response. 

"Hello...Why are you here?" Herobrion asked, but his voice wasn't in the normal annoyed or angry tone, he sounded calm for once. 

"I realised that I never actually well interrogated you yet."  

"Fair enough. What do you want to know?" 

Patrick was clearly confused, the Neather General was actually being Nice- ish. Was he going crazy? The Herobrion that everybody knew was a cruel and insane human being that didn't care for anybody, especially anyone that lived in Frostbourne. 

"Well, I'm sorry if this comes off as rude but I need to know. Why are you acting so...nice?" The over-world general asked. "Also why where you so quick into surrendering?" 

Herobrion laughed. "Heh, for the first question I'm simply returning the favor. And for the second question... well It takes a lot more explaining." 

"Well then get started, I pretty much have all day." Pat said. 

"Okay then. Remember that night a while back, where we faced off, I stabbed you, two of your knights brought along the enderwatchers and they chased me and my knights out?" He asked. 

"It's a little hard to forget when I have a giant scar on my chest because of it." Patrick replied. 

"Well, after my men and I returned to the Neather and explained how we lost to our king. I watched as he slaughtered all of my knights in front of my own eyes before he called over Scorch, he laughed as the captain burned me..." Herobrion pulls down the sleeve of his shirt to reveal a burn mark. "That day he told me that if I where to fail him again that he'd have me killed." 

Patrick managed to hide how shocked he was. Killing your own knights because they failed you was unheard of in Frostbourne and pretty much anywhere in the over-world or the End. 

"Well....what do you mean by 'Returning the favor'?" The over-world general asked politely. 

"Heh. When we arrived here, I was excpecting to be chained up and thrown in a cell and tortured for answers, especially for everything I did. But instead you guys wrapped up my wound...even though I am an enemy, you helped me? Why?" 

"I suppose I can answer you that. Well, it's just a nice thing to do." 

"I guess..." 

"Well, I better get going." Patrick said leaving the cell and walking out of the prison. He was drawn, he doesn't know if he should believe the Neather General or not. His thoughts where interrupt by someone running up and hugging him which accidently knocked him to the floor, thankfully he was wearing his helmet so he was okay. 

"Oh my Notch, Pat I'm so sorry." Azura said quickly getting off him and helping him up.

"It's okay Blueberry." Patrick laughed when he saw how much Azura was blushing "So did you need something, cutie?"

"I-I was just wondering if we could go out tonight?"


"Okay, meet me in the park, say, 6:30-ish?" 

"Sounds good. See ya there." 

Azura kissed Patrick before walking off. Patrick herd someone start going Ooooooooooooh. 

"Very funny Darryl." Patrick said sarcasticly. Darryl walked out from his hiding spot. 

"What, I can't ship you two anymore just because you're dating."

"Sigh, I guess you can. Anyway how's Lyra?" 

"She's still uncontious, but she's doing well. Doctors are saying she might wake up in about a week or two." Darryl said happily, it took a few minuets for Pat to realise that Darryl was blushing. 

"Huh, seems like you have your own crush." Patrick said laughing. 

"...I will not deny that" 

"Well you shouldn't, we all know it's true." 

Darryl just stayed quiet trying to ignore his friend singing. Sooner rather then later, they where walking in the village just joking around and chatting until they came across a noise coming from a bush. Patrick drew one of his spears and Darryl drew his rifle. And what emerged from the bush had the two of them shocked... 

(Hey guys, Sorry this one took so long to make. I had writers block and couldn't think of anything. Again, If you have any ideas for this story, please tell me. And as always, stay safe. Bye. >w<)

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