Chapter 4

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*Aeolus' Cabin, 9 am*

I felt heat across my body and slowly opened my eyes. The room I was in didn't look at all familiar. But for some reason I liked it. It made me feel at home.

"About time you woke up, Sleeping Beauty." I turned and saw Serena sitting on her bed.

"I had the weirdest dream..." I said. "We were--"

"Demigods." Serena finished.

"How did you--oh wait." My eyes widened. "Are you saying what happened last night was true?"

My twin laughed at my shocked expression.

"I don't understand..." I whispered.

"Yeah me either, but now that you're awake, we can finally get some answers." Serena stood up. "Hurry and get dressed. I'll wait for you outside." And with that, she left.

I looked down and saw my clothes from the day before. "Looks like everything did happen." I muttered as I went to the bathroom. As I showered, hot tears fell freely across my cheeks. Looks like Sister Anna was a fraud after all.....could it be that she only adopted us just to kill us? But why? So many questions were racing through my head as I got dressed. I just hope each one would have an answer.

I went outside and breathed deeply at the marvelous sight. Everything around me looked so amazing...with all the polution going on I never knew such beauty would still exist.

"Ready?" Serena appeared next to me. I nodded and together we went to a strange big house. Serena seems to know where were going, so I followed her inside. I gasped at the sight in front of my eyes. In front of me stood a half man, half horse. And sitting down by the table next to him was Grover, Annabeth, and Percy.

"Good morning, Selena." The half man half horse being said.

"Good morning...uhm..." I said awkwardly and from the corner of my eye I saw Percy smirk. I wanted to punch him.

"Chiron." The centaur smiled and beckoned me to sit. I sighed at the only seat available, the one next to Percy. Serena was seated on his other side.

"Now, I know you girls are confused--" Chiron began.

"There's the understatement of the year." I muttered and saw Percy smirk.

"As I was saying," Chiron's mouth twitched, "you girls must have some questions. But before we answer that, let me explain why you're here."

"Chiron, we already know the demigod part." Serena said.

"Can we know who our parents are?" I asked.

"Very well." Chiron said. "But, Selena, let me get you breakfast. Your sister already ate."

I was handed a plate of delicious looking waffles with syrup and a glass of milk. As I ate, Chiron explained about me and Serena's parents.

"From what I've heard," Chiron began, "you, Selena and Serena, are the daughters of Aeolus. Since you were able to create the tornado from yesterday, causing your exhaustion, you must be the daughter of the wind god."

"If Aeolus is our father," I finished eating, "then who is our mother?"

Chiron, Grover, Percy, and Annabeth exchanged glances.

"We don't know." Grover shrugged. "But it's probably a mortal."

Serena nodded and said, "Now what do we do? Return to the orphanage?"

I shuddered at the thought of going back to where so many memories happened.

"You two must stay here for the moment you step out those gates, various monsters would sense your power and will kill you." Chiron took my plate and gave it to Grover.

"Whoa!" I stared at Grover's legs. Well, I mean where his legs should be. Cause instead of normal legs, there were goat legs.

"Satyr?" I remembered reading about them.

"How did you know?" Annabeth asked.

"I read about it."

Everyone but Serena looked at me as if I announced I was an alien.


"You can't read." Percy said. "Well, you shouldn't be able to read English."

"Excuse me?" I raised an eyebrow at him and I saw his hand twitch to his pocket.

"What Percy means," Annabeth said, "is that you and your sister should be dyslexic."

"Why?" Serena asked.

"Because your brain is hard wired for Greek and Greel alone." Annabeth said as a matter of factly.

"Impossible." Serena said. "Selena has read tons of books, much to my distaste."

I ignored her and turned to Chiron, "Now what?"

"You train."


"Combat. To be a hero and follow your fatehr's footsteps." Chiron shrugged.

One look at Serena and I can tell she liked the combat part. She's always been the tough one after all.

"Oh yes, before I forget." Chiron pulled out two paper fans. "Your father asked me to give us to you girls when you come here. It will help in battle." He handed Serena the silver one and the gold one to me.

I carefully ran my hands on the smooth wood and admired it. "How does paper fans exactly help in a battle? Except fan yourself when you're sweating?"

Again, Percy smirked and felt my stomach flip. What the hell? I thought.

"Now, go on and train." Chiron said and we all left.

"He didn't even tell us how to work it." Serena frowned. She opened it and fanned the space in front of her and the tall trees around swayed.

"Whoa." Me and Serena said at the same time.

"That is so cool." Annabeth said in awe. "You can control the wind better with it."

"Let's practice." I said eagerly.


"Time out!" I yelled and dropped to the ground. "Can we take a break?"

"Again?!" Percy snapped.

"Our last break was during lunch, which was nearly 5 hours ago!" I snapped back.

"Well it's not my fault you have low energy!"

"I do not!" I retorted and faced him. "I demand to battle you. One on one. I'll show you energy."

"Fine then." Percy smirked. "It's your funeral."

I glared at him and said, "I hope the quality of your fighting skills is better than your comebacks." I smirked back and he glared.

Annabeth sighed. From the corner of my eye I saw Serena glaring. I was about to ask if she was glaring at me or Percy when Percy said, "Ready?"

"Hell yeah."

The other campers around us overheard our argument and immediately backed off. Soon, Percy and I were glaring at each other at the side of the lake.

"Ready," Percy said and pulled out his sword.

"Set," I rolled down my fan.

"Go!" We both yelled attacked.

"Two Lives, One Destiny" A Percy Jackson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now