Chapter 1

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I frowned at my drawing and thought, something is missing...I just can't put a finger to it!

I sighed and folded my notebook and rolled my back on my bed. Or at least I wish it was. Me and my twin, Serena, has been living in this stupid orphanage for as long as I remember. The nuns who run this place just don't understand how come everytime a couple adopts us, we always end up here in the end. I once heard the last couple whisper to the nuns that me and Serena are too weird. Weird as in whenever strong emotions overcome us, something nearby breaks. Whatever. I don't really care...all I want is a family. I carefully fingered the golden locket around my neck and wondered who placed it there. According to Sister Anna, the owner of this orphanage and the one who found us, said that this was around my neck when she found me and Serena. Serena has her own locket too. Each locket has the letter S. The only difference is mine is gold and Serena's is silver. I've always wanted to know who gave these to us...but if I'm here at this place...I might as well give up.

I sighed for the millionth time that day and decided to look for Serena. Maybe she has something interesting to do other than moping.


"Oh yeah!!!!!" I yelled as I won yet another round of Dance Dance Revolution against my fellow orphan, Bianca, in the orphanage's game room. "And to think you can beat me!!!"

"How on earth do you do it?" My best friend, Bianca panted. Like me and Selena, she's been here for years...even longer than me and my sister.

"I don't know." I grinned. "It just comes naturally."

"Serena!" I turned by the door and saw Selena looking bored.

"What?" I asked as I helped Bianca pack up the DDR in its box.

"Let's do something fun. Like go to the library."

I scowled at my sister and said, "How is being surrounded by those things be any fun at all?"

Selena sighed. We had this argument before. Just then, Sister Anna, the owner of the orphanage, came in.

"Hello girls," the nun smiled.

"Good afternoon, sister." We all said. It was mandatory to be polite in this place. And I hate it.

"Serena, Selena, I need to speak to the two of you." Sister Anna said. "Can you follow me to the office?"

"Sure." Me and Selena said. We bid goodbye to Bianca and followed the nun.


I wonder what we're gonna talk about...I thought as I followed my twin and Sister Anna to her office. I love Sister Anna. She's the closest thing to a mom me and Serena ever has. Sometimes I wised she was our real mom.

She closed the door behind us and sat behind her desk. She beckoned us to sit across her. We did.

"Girls," She smiled, "I have good news for the two of you."

"What?" Serena asked.

I was wonder if someone decided to adopt us.

"I know the two of you have suffered of being rejected by your past family. And I understand that. Which is why," Sister Anna stood up and walked over to us, "I decided to adopt you girls."

"REALLY?!" I asked, shocked.


"Wow." Serena muttered...she frowned at the idea of having a parent to tell her what to do but I ignored her gloomy face and hugged Sister Anna tight.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"Now now, girls. You two should start packing. We're going to be going to my home, or should I say, our home, in 15 minutes." Sister Anna smiled.

"Okay!" I couldn't help smiling. This was a dream come true! I grabbed by twin's hand and didn't stop running till we got to our rooms. Bianca was there reading in one corner.

"What happened?" She asked.



I glumly explained to her what Sister told us and sighed.

"What's wrong? Aren't you glad you finally have a family?" Bianca closed her book and placed it on her pillow.

I glanced at my sister whose face looked like a 4 year old recieving presents.

"I it here.."I said as I slowly packed my bags. I wanted to take my time. "Even though we have no least we have a little bit of freedom." The mere thought of parents telling us what to do made me shudder.

"Aw come on," Selena said as she finally closed her suitcase, "At least we have a family who understands us."

"Whatever." I muttered and finished packing up.

"I'm going to miss you two." Bianca stared at the floor. I saw Selena's smile fade.

"Bianca..." My twin whispered and hugged our friend. "You will always be our family. No matter what."

"Yeah..." I said and hugged them.

"Oh stop it you guys." Bianca wiped a tear off her cheek. "You finally have a family. It's what you've always wanted, right?"


When we reached Sister Anna's house, I looked up and stared in awe. I couldn't even describe the's actually more of a mansion. It's painted white with the roof a light blue. As we went inside I wondered if she purposely painted her house the color of the Virgin Mary. I glanced at Serena and smirked at her. Even she was liking the house, despite her complaints about chores while we were in the car.

Sister Anna led us tot he second floor and the three of us walked silently in the dark hallway. She brought us in a brightly lit room and turned to us.

"Girls," She purred. Which was very much not like her. Is something wrong with her??? Her voice sounds so....raspy. "Now that we're here, I might as well tell you the reason why I adopted you."

I shifted my weight on one foot and looked at her curiously. I neevr even thought of asking why she took us as her children cause I was so happy she adopted us.

"I adopted you girls..." Sister began as she pulled out something wrapped in a cloth under the bed.

Just then I felt something stir inside me. I glanced at Serena and knew she was feeling it too. We are twins, after all.

I felt the air thicken. And I don't know if I'm imagining it or not...but it felt like the air was pushing us out the door. I gave Serena a panicked look and her face mirrored my own fear.

Sister Anna turned to look at us and I screamed. Because we weren't looking at the nun who adopted us. Me and Serena were face to face to a woman face and was holding a long sword.


After my twin screamed I held her like a prized possession and yelled, "Who are you?!""

The creature who was supposed to be Sister Anna said, "Doesn't matter, my dear children. For you all will die."

"Why?!" Selena cried as I held her. Tears were pouring continously down her cheeks.

"Because you two are a pair of demigods." She said and attacked.

"Two Lives, One Destiny" A Percy Jackson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now