Chapter 18

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I pushed Grover out of the way and ran towards the Aeolus cabin. I threw the door opened and my eyes swept the room. I opened the closet and saw her clothes gone. What the hell! Where is she?! Did she get offended from what happened between us?! My knees gave in and I fell on my knees on the floor. Grover came in silently with Thalia and Annabeth behind him.

"Percy..." Thalia started.

"Where is she?" I glared at every one of them as if it was their fault Selena was gone. They stared at the floor, speechless. There was a knock on the door and I jumped to open it.

"What do you want, Malcom?" I glared.

"Where's Selena? I need to tell her something." I don't understand why Malcom looked worried.

"What do you have on your hand?" I looked suspiciously on the paper rolled in his palm.

"Nothing. If she isn't here then never mind." Malcom turned to go.

"Selena's gone." Grover whispered. Malcom turned on his heels and said, "What?!"

"She and her clothes aren't here." I crossed my arms against my chest.

"Oh no." Malcom muttered.

"Do you know anything?" I grabbed his collar and raised him till his feet weren't touching the ground anymore. Thalia and Grover held me back from hurting Malcom. Annabeth stood in the corner, staring at her shoes, not caring what happens to her half brother.

"No." Malcom tried to turn but I held him tighter.

"Malcom, tell me where Selena is." I growled.

"Fine!" Malcom yelled and I dropped him.

"Start talking." I demanded.

"Okay, a few days ago Selena asked where dead people go. And I said the underworld...and well...she got interested and I showed her a map to get there..." Malcom explained.

"And now she's on her way to the underworld!" Thalia exclaimed. I felt my expression change from confusion to anger.

"She wants to get Serena back, doesn't she?" I balled my fists. How can she do something so irresponsible?! If she wanted to go she should've told me. I could've helped her! "That's the map to the underworld, isn't it?" I pointed to the paper Malcom was holding.

He nodded and said, "The copy I gave Selena was wrong. That was the map towards the shortcut to Tartarus."

"YOU GAVE HER A MAP THAT WILL LEAD HER TO HER DEATH?!" I shouted and grabbed Malcom's shoulders. Tartarus was where all the monsters were kept prisoners.

"I made a mistake! I was supposed to give her the one that leads to the entrance to the underworld!" Malcom winced as I squeezed his shoulder.

"WHy would you give her a map like that?!" I wanted to punch this guy so badly!

"I didn't know that she was planning to go there!" Malcom yelled. "If I did do you think I would've given it to her?!"
I groaned and said, "For a son of Athena you're really stupid! Now give me the map that leads to Tartarus!"

Malcom quickly unrolled the papers and pulled out one. I let him go as he handed it to me. "I have to go follow her." I decided and walked to the door to pack my things.

"I'm going." Thalia said.

"Me too." Grover added.

"I guess I'll go too..." Annabeth said quietly.

"Same here." Malcom said.

"No! It's too dangerous! And you," I pointed to Malcom, "did enough stupidity. I don't need more."

"It was my mistake so I'm fixing it!" Malcom argued.

"I said no!" I exclaimed and turned to run towards the Poseidon cabin.

I wiped my face for any tears as Percy left. He didn't even pay attention to me...Selena may be a rival to me...but if Percy cares about her...I guess I'll have to suck up my pride and go too...

"Hey." Thalia nudged me. "I'll meet you by the gates after packing up, okay?"

I nodded and we parted. Malcom mumbled something that sounded like a curse word as we hurriedly went to the Athena cabin.

*Later ; By the gates of Camp Half-Blood*

As I approached the gate I saw Thalia, Annabeth, Grover, and Malcom waiting with their bags. I ignored them and
walked out of the gates when the barrier pushed me back.

"Going somewhere?" Chiron appeared from behind a tree.

"Damn it..." I muttered. I forgot that a camper needs a permission from an authority to leave the camp. But then
how did Selena get out unnoticed?

"Annabeth told me about Selena and I believe it is wise to go get her back before she reaches Tartarus..." Chiron
explained. I glanced at Annabeth but she avoided my gaze. "How did she get out without permission?" I asked.

"Alas, Selena is the daughter of the wind god. She can manipulate the wind to make her tracks disappear, giving her the ability to go anywhere unnoticed." Chiron shaked his head.

"So can we go?" I asked urgently.

"One has to stay." Chiron said.

"Malcom." I automatic'lly said and he glared at me.

"Fine." He growled. "But if you don't bring her back, I swear on the river Styx that you're gonna be punished for it."

"Very well, off you go. It is a long way to Tartarus. And not a very safe one, if I may add." Chiron said and we left without Malcom.

Don't worry Selena. I'm coming for you.

"Two Lives, One Destiny" A Percy Jackson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now