Chapter 5

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*By the lake*

I sighed for the millionth time and streched by back as I leaned against an oak tree. Percy and Selena had been battling for 10 minutes, and neither is thinking of giving up. Such immatures! I glanced at Selena's twin, Serena, and sighed yet again. This girl sticks to Percy like glue! And it's getting on my nerves. I mean, it's not like I'm jealous and everything...Percy and I have been friends since we first met last year. And yet, there's a feeling of satisfaction whenever I'm with him. Ugh! This is so compliacated...I wonder if Aphrodite has anything to do with this.

"Just give up already and apologize for your obnoxiousness!" Selena broke through my thoughts as she yelled at Percy.

"I'm not going to apologize for something I didn't even do!" Percy snapped.

I glanced at Selena and stared at her paper fan in wonder. She's been using it like a sword, and yet the wood doesn't crack one bit. She has that advantage. Oh and also the fact that she can control the wind better with it.

I glanced at Serena's paper fan and squinted at it. I already know that the twins' fans are similar and different at the same time. Similar cause of the fact they're both fans. And different cause with Serena's fan, she can control the cold wind while Selena's fan can control the warm wind. They're like fire and ice...

"Okay, that's enough!" I looked up and saw Chiron glaring at Percy and Selena. "You two had never made one agreement since you saw each other. Therefore, as a punishment, the two of you shall spend the night at cabin 13."

I gasped along with the other campers who watched Percy and Selena's battle. Cabin 13 doesn't belong to any specific god or goddess...but it's the most terrible cabin there is because the cabin is far away in the mountains by the back of the camp--far away from the rest of the cabins.

"What?!" Percy exclaimed. "I didn't even star--"

"No excuses, Percy." Chiron said sternly and Percy glared at his shoes. I heard Selena mumble a bad word and the side of my mouth curled up.

"Now, pack u and get going." Chiron adjusted the quiver of arrows hanging on his shoulders. "You two need to get there before curfew."


My mouth hung open as Percy and Selena left to cabin 13. I can't believe this girl...she has the best luck...being with Percy for one night! But knowing her, she'll probablyhate every second of it. I sighed and thought how my twin can get the guys I want without even trying...I saw Chiron leave as well and I decided to ask him more about this camp. Just to have something to think about other than the whole cabin 13 issue.

"Hey Chiron." I said as I entered the Big House.

"Well hello, Serena." Chiron looked suprised at my sudden visit. "How may I be of service to you?"

I sat down on a bean bag by the fireplace and said, "Can I know more about the camp? Like, everything its been through?"

Chiron chuckled and sat his hind horse legs on the floor across mine. "Why the sudden curiousity?"

"Just bored." I shrugged.

"Very well," Chiron thought for a while and said, "Last year, the camp experienced something we never thought would happen."

I waited patiently.

"One of our campers betrayed us." Chiron scowled. "I shall not say his name for I had made it clear not to mention it ever again. He has been in this camp for so long, he was practic'lly respected by other campers. But one day, he decided to join Kronus army to bring down the gods an--"

"Who's Kronus?" I interrupted.

"Kronus is the father of all gods and goddesses. He was overthrown by the Big Three, Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades, many centuries ago and was thrown of to Tartarus. But now, he is getting stronger as he builds his army, and vows to take down his own children."

"I see. And one of the campers here decided it was cool to join the bad guys' side." I said and tried to picture how Kronus was overthrown."


"And where is that camper now?"

"He is probably recruiting monsters demigods to join forces with Kronus. Which is why here at Camp half blood, we train demigods in order to prepare them for whatever happens in the future."

"How do you know there aren't any more traitors here?"

Chiron didn't speak for a long time and I realized I struck a nerve.

"I-I'm sorry, Chiron. I didn't mean--" I stammered.

"That's okay." Chiron stood up. "Why don't you get back to your cabin? It's almost curfew."

I nodded and slowly walked towards the door. "I'm sorry." I said again before bolting out.

I didn't stop running till I reached Aeolus' cabin. I was about to tell my sister the interesting story when realized she was in cabin 13 with Percy. I scowled at her bed and tried to continue my evening while filling my thoughts from the story I just learned.

*Cabin 13*

This guy is impossible. He doesn't even apologize! On the way to this stupid cabin we didn't even talk, not that I minded. But I wouldv'e appreciated if he said sorry for getting us in trouble!

I ignored his presence for the rest of the night as I laid in bed reading.

"How come you can read words other than Greek?" Percy finally broke the ice as he sat on his bed.

"What's it to you?" I snapped. I wasn't letting him off the hook that easily.

Percy sighed and said, "Fine. I'm just trying to be nice here."

"Then say sorry, maybe then I can appreciate your existence."

"I'm sorry for getting us in trouble."

I looked up suprised atthe sincerity of his voice and said, "Are you sick or something?"

Percy chuckled and said, "I'm just trying to remember what made us hate each other in the first place."

I frowned on my book and said, "Okay, I have to admit, even I don't know the answer to that."

From the corner of my eye I saw Percy's mouth lift. "So are we okay now?" He asked.

I closed my book and prepared to sleep.

"Well?" He asked again.

I gave him a teasing look and said, "You're not off the hook that easily, Seaweed Brain." And with that I clicked the lamp by my bed and closed my eyes.


Selena sure is unpredictable. I smiled and turned off my lamp and laid down. She's different from other girls too...she isn't...nice. I stiffled another laugh at the thought of Selena hearing what I just thought about her. She'll probably blow me off to another country or something.

I smiled again and thought, I have to admit, I'm starting to like her.

"Two Lives, One Destiny" A Percy Jackson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now