Chapter 33

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I grunted as I swung my fan towards dozens of incoming Titans. They were blown away towards Percy and he skillfully sliced each one. He was showered by the monster's ashes as he grinned at me. I smiled back and winked. Even in sweat, monsert ashes, and soot, Percy still looks hot. Then again we all look ridiculous in this mess. Especially me. I mean come on, how many times a day do you see a bride with a torn up dress and smeared make up?

Ear-shattering noise suddenly erupted behind me and I turned. Each one of my friends were helping in the battle. I glanced at Serena and wondered what could make her betray Luke. Could it be she had a change of heart, or is this just one of their schemes?

"Selena, watch out!" I turned and saw Percy thrust his sword at a monster.

"Sorry!" I quickly said and hugged him. He hugged me back and said, "Be careful next time. I don't wanna lose you again."

I placed my lips on his and we shared a kiss for a few seconds, and as I pulled back, I could tell he wasn't very happy about that. I giggled and said, "Later." He nodded and we resumed our battle. A monster swung its claw at Thalia and she pointed her spear angrily, causing the monster to scream in pain. Grover was playing his reed pipes and watched as plants strangled the monsters to death. Every now and then he would stop, breathe deeply, shove a tin can in his mouth, and play once more. Annabeth was battling her own set of monsters in the corner, and she deftly killed each one as if this was nothing new to her.

A monster came bounding towards me with the grace of a hippo in a dollhouse and I swiftly jumped in the air, flipped, and made a smooth landing on its back. I saw Percy glance at me nervously from time to time as I stabbed the monster with a Celestial Bronze knife Annabeth gave me earlier. I jumped on the ground next to Serena just as the monster turned into ashes.

"So," I said nonchalantly as we fought side by side. "What's with the sudden change of heart?"

My sister--yes, I actually consider her as a sister now--tensed as she battled.

"I just came in my senses." She said gruffly and the monster she was fighting flew off the ground and into Thalia's awaiting electricitic spear.

"About time." I answered as I ducked. I slid my foot under the monster and jerked its paw. It fell on the ground and I thrusted my knife through it's hairy body. I stood to face my sister as the monster dissolved into the air.

"I don't even understand what made you go with Luke in the first place." I said and gripped my fan tightly. I may consider her a sister now, but that doesn't mean she's forgiven for what she did.

"Now's not really the time for chit chat, Selena." Serena nearly snapped, saying my name in distaste.

"I, of all people, deserve to know." I clenched my jaw and glared at her. She clenched her jaw too and raised her knife towards me.


I gasped loudly and saw Percy and the others turn towards me. Percy growled and was about to come to my rescue when I felt the knife swish past my right ear. I heard a scream and realized it wasn't mine. I felt small particles around my shoulder and turned to see a monster disintegrating behind me.

"Can we like, talk later?" Serena asked. I nodded shakily and we resumed our battle as if nothing happened.

After we killed what appeared to be all the monsters, I felt my knees buckle and fell. Percy swiftly caught me and said with a worried tone, "Selena? Are you okay?"

I nodded with my eyes half open. "Just...tired. I' fine..."

That was actually an understatement, I was feeling like the first time I used my powers where I passed out before we got to Camp Half-Blood. My breathing was ragged and I felt like my brain cells got fried. No, I actually felt worse than that.

"I think she used too much of her power!" I heard Annabeth say as I closed my eyes. "She may be immortal, but that doesn't mean she won't get tired too!"

"What do we do?" Percy asked anxiously. I didn't hear the rest, cause after that I fell into a deep sleep.


"We need to go back to camp! Now!" I said urgently as I picked up Selena in my arms. She had fallen asleep, but I wasn't taking chances in letting her go untreated. I just got her back, there's no way in Hades am I going to lose her again.

"Hold on," Thalia looked around. "Where's Luke? And Kronus?"

Everyone's eyes scanned the room and saw nothing but disintegrated dust from the monsters.

"We let them get away. Again." Serena groaned as she pocketed her fan.

"We can get them back after we find shelter. The sun's setting and I don't think we can make it back in Camp without encountering any monsters." I said and looked out the window into the sunset.

"Where do we go?" Grover asked. "I don't wanna stay in this building. I have a feeling that more monsters are coming."

"Come on." I walked out the door with Selena still in my arms, her train falling behind us. I led them in a forest and we walked on and on, not knowing where to go.

"Percy," Thalia said from behind me. "Do you know where we're going?"

I paused in my tracks and looked around. "Sorta. There's a cave up ahead. Maybe we can pass the night there." I pointed and cautiously approached it, trying to hold Selena with one arm just in case I need to pull out my sword.

"It's free from monsters." Grover approved as he sniffed the air. Serena helped Thalia and Annabeth unpack the sleeping bags as Grover made fire. I laid Selena on one of the sleeping bags and thought, she seems pretty even when she's asleep...

I laid down beside her, placing an arm over her protectively, and suddenly felt weary. I guess you don't feel any pain when you're protecting someone.I caressed Selena's hair and smiled contentedly.

Sleep well, my love. You earned it.

After a few minutes, I heard a rustle and I instinctively opened my eyes and grabbed my pen. I slowly sat up and looked around. Annabeth and Thalia were sleeping sounto dly in the corner and Grover was snoring on the other side. I stood up carefully, making sure not wake Selena up and crept to the edge of the cave. I heard another rustle and I squinted my green eyes against the dark. I saw a big figure move against the trees and was followed by murmurs. Suddenly, a serpent like dragon emerged. My eyes widened as I recognized a Ladon standing before me. More monsters emerged from the shadows and I screamed at my friend.

"Wake up everyone! We're under attack!"

"Two Lives, One Destiny" A Percy Jackson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now