Chapter 19

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*Highway ; A little past 12*

I groaned and sat near a tree by the road. I've been walking for hours and there isn't even a sight of one bus coming! I peeked in my bag and sighed. I only have food that'll last for maybe one more meal. If I don't find a decent ride soon, I'll die of starvation in this open road. As I rumaged through my clothes for more food, I saw something wrapped in a pink cloth. I carefully opened it and found the clamshell that Percy gave me before I left the camp. I slowly traced the markings and wondered if Percy was missing me right now...

I scoffed and stood up. Why would I care if he misses me of not. I'm not going to get involved with another person again.

*Another Highway*

"Dammit can we like, rest for a bit?" Thalia said, irritated.

"We stopped a while ago!" Percy insisted.

"That was when we paused to check the map. Which was like four hours ago!"

"Fine!" Percy gave in.

I myself am exhausted so I sat by a tree and drank the last bottle of water I had. I hadn't spoken to Percy directly since our little confrontation in camp. I decided that maybe if I ignored the subject, Percy might forget about it.

"Isn't there a bus here or something?" Grover checked if the coast was clear and took off his human shoes, revealing his goat hooves.

"Hey look! I think I see one!" I pointed towards the direction we've been walking on and sure enough, a white bus with a purple streak on the side was coming.

"Finally!" Thalia adjusted her backpack and slung it over her shoulder.

"Do you think it's going towards New York Harbor?" Percy peered at the sign of the upcoming bus.

"I think so." Grover hurriedly wore his shoes.

The bus stopped in front of us and the door opened. I climbed up, followed by Thalia, Grover, and Percy. I found four seats at the back and took the seat by the window. Thalia plopped down next to me and sighed in satisfaction. Percy, who was sitting next to Grover and Thalia, opened the map and said, "When we reach New
York Harbor, we need to ride a boat going to Miami..."

"It'll take us weeks if we go by sea!" Thalia exclaimed.
"Let's just take a plane."

"Do you want your father to kill me?" Percy asked. "I'm not supposed to be in his domain which is the sky!"

"I don't think he'll crash the plane your riding in if I'm riding there too." Thalia reasoned.

"She has a point." Grover added.

"Fine. Plane it is." Percy muttered. "After we land at Florida, we need a ride to get to Miami Harbor. Then, we
ride a boat towards the Bermuda islan--"

"Bermuda Island?" Grover interrupted. "As in we're going in the Bermuda triangle itself?"

"Yep." Percy replied.

"We're gonna die." Grover whispered.

"How are we even gonna know where Selena's gonna be?" Thalia asked.

Percy was silent for a moment before whispering, "I don't know. I wish I did though."

*LaGuardia Airport*

"Thanks again for the ride, lady!" I smiled as I closed the car door.

"You're welcome, dearie. Just be careful!" The lady's face wrinkled more as she smiled. I waved as she drove off. If it wasn't for her, I probably would've been stuck in that highway forever. She's so nice. She even bought me first I was suspicious of her...but then I realized I can defeat her with my wind just in case she turns out to be a monster.

I looked around the crowded airport and checked my map. Looks like I'm going the right direction...
With the human money I secretly borrowed from the Camp Store, I was able to buy a plane ticket that was scheduled to leave in about thirty minutes. I went over to the waiting area and sat down. I wonder if I'm going to the right place...I wonder if Serena really will be in the she in pain? I shaked my head, trying to get the swarm of questions and worries out of my head.

"Come on you guys!" I called. They quickly exited the bus and we all ran inside the airport.

"Hold it." A security guard held his hand up. "Where are your parents and why are you traveling alone?"

I looked over my friends, totally not prepared to encounter a problem like this. Thank goodness Annabeth spoke up.

"We're going to meet them soon, sir. We just had to run back in the car to pick up the rest of our baggage as our parents are buying the tickets." She explained.

"Very well," the guard said, "Hurry along then."

"Brilliant." I nodded to Annabeth and she didn't say anything. As Thalia bought the tickets, my eyes scanned the area for anything or anyone suspicious. I saw a girl with brown hair and I gasped, "Selena!"

I can feel my friends' stare as I ran towards the brown haired girl whose back was turned to me. I placed a hand on her shoulder and said, "Thank god I found y--"

"Excusez-moi?" The girl turned and spoke in fluent French.

"I--I'm sorry, miss." I stammered and stumbled back. I slowly walked towards the others and shaked my head.

"My bad." I muttered.

Grover patter me reassuringly and said, "Don't worry man, we'll find her."

"Yeah..." Annabeth whispered.

"I hope so." I said as Thalia distributed the plane tickets.

"The plane's gonna leave in about five minutes." Thalia said. "We better get going."

We ran through the crowd of people towards Gate A-1, where our plane is.

*Gate A-1*

The line moved smoothly as plane tickets were checked. When it was my turn, I handed the stewardess my ticket and she said, "Hope you enjoy the trip."

I nodded and entered the plane, hoping that I'm making the right decision. I walked through the platform connecting from the building to the plane as I carried my only bag. As I entered the plane, I looked for my seat, ignoring the stares of other people due to my lack of baggage.

"Thank you for choosing United Airlines, I hope you enjoy the trip." The perky blonde stewardess smiled.

I walked through the platform with my friends trailing behind me. We quickly found our seats and took turns in placing our bags in the compartment above our heads. Grover sat by the window next to me while Thalia and Annabeth sat behind us. I plopped down in the soft cushion of the seat and sighed.

"How do you think she is right now?" I asked Grover and he immediately knew whom I was reffering to.

"Don't worry man. Selena's tough. She can handle anything." He reassured.

"I guess you're right..." I muttered.

Grover placed an eye mask over his eyes and plugged a pair of earphones in his ear. I looked at him, jealous that he can relax despite the situation. I sighed and wore and eye mask too.

Was that Percy I just saw? I shaked my head. Impossible. I must be hallucinating. Why would Percy be here in the first place? It's not like he would follow me here.

"Two Lives, One Destiny" A Percy Jackson Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now