Chapter 26

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"Dammit I can't believe we got caught!" I groaned and punched the wall of the locked prison cell.

"They also took all our weapons, making sure we stay put." Grover muttered. "And locked us in an empty room, to make sure Annabeth wouldn't get any ideas."

"Tell me something I don't know." I growled and pulled on the bars, half hoping that I can break it. Serena and Luke caught us outside the door racesdropping, and now we're locked up. Hopelessly hopeless.

"I can't believe Luke and Serena's on Kronus' side." Annabeth whispered.

"Do you expect that bastard to change?" I snapped referring to Luke and folded my arms across my chest.

"Percy, venting out your anger at us won't help." Thalia failed to hide the panic in her voice.

"And I suppose being calm would help." I snarled.

"Do you hear that?" Grover interrupted our argument and we all fell silent. Outside, we heard Luke's voice speak.

"Well, Selena, do you recognize her?" I gasped as I heard Selena's name and Thalia placed her hand on my mouth to let us hear more.

"Serena?" I heard Selena's voice say. "Is that you?"

"Hello, dear sister." I heard her sister reply.

"Thank goodness you're safe!" Selena exclaimed and I heard her run, probably to hug her twin.

"Serena's here?" I asked confused and everyone shushed me again.

"How did you get here? I thought the monster took you! Oh thank goodness you're okay! How are you? Were you with Luke all these time?" Selena asked question after question.

I heard Serena laugh and say, "Sister, there is a purpose on why we met."

"Huh?" I heard Selena asked, sounding obviously confused.

"Why don't I invite certain people, cause they too, are confused." Luke's voice dripped with fake sweetness that I wanted to punch him more.


"Them." I heard Luke laugh and suddenly the door opened, revealing a smirking Serena. She fearlessly chained our hands, knowing well that we wouldn't be able to escape cause Selena's outside and cause our weapons aren't with us.

"Percy!" Selena gasped as we were pulled out into the room where Luke and Selena are.


"Selena!" I tried to go to her but was pulled back by the chains that were connected to my friends and into Serena's hands.

"What's the meaning of this?!" Selena demanded and pulled out her fan. Luke then quickly tied Selena's hands with chains and took her weapon.

"Dear sister, let us explain." Serena sneered and pulled on the chains and we were forced to stand in front of Selena. The tight grip of the chains around my wrists pained me, but what pained me the most was to see Selena's eyes welling with angry tears.

"Let them go--or else." Selena threatened and her voice cracked as she held a sob.

"I'm afraid we can't do that." Luke laughed evilly. He was obviously liking the power her had over Selena and us.

"You wanna know why, Selena?" Serena crooned as she took Selena's weapon from Luke and held it across her sister's face.

"Cause you're gonna die alongside your friends." Luke didn't let Selena speak and threw his head back to laugh.

"Why?!" Selena yelled, fighting the tears. "We're sisters! How could you, Serena!"

Serena's eyes filled with hatred and she yelled, "Sisters?! I hate that word! I hate even being related to you!"

I felt my heart get stabbed by a knife as Selena's tears fell down her cheeks twice today. "I didn't know you felt like that." She cried.

"Well now you do!" Her cruel sister snapped. I myself couldn't believe Serena hater Selena all these times. I mean, if she really did pretend, then she was one hell of a good actress. As if reading my mind, she turned to me and smirked. "Oh Percy. If only you chose me than her. Then maybe you could've saved your life."

"I'd rather die than choose you." I spat at her feet and felt my friends tense next to me.

"How dare yo--"

"I think we should get rid of them now." Luke interuppted Serena. "The lord wishes to dispose of them so he can gain power with no one to stop him and take over Olympus. The sooner, the better."

"Very well." Serena smiled maliciously.

"Wait!" Selena yelled. "Why do you want to kill me?"

Serena looked at her sister as if she was missing an obvious point. "Because," Serena sneered, "you're such a pain in the butt. And, if you die, I'll get stronger."

"What are you talking about?" Thalia spoke for the first time.

"Don't you people know?" Luke raised an eyebrow and laughed at our blank expressions.

Suddenly, the door opened and a hooded figure glided inside. Luke and Serena gasped and immediately knelt down.

"Kronus." I growled and was about to attack him but the chains around my wrists and the Riptide not in my pocket reminded me how helpless I am.

"Ah, Percy. We finally meet." The father of the gods laughed. His laugh was deep and cruel, just how Chiron described once. Kronus was wearing a dark hooded cloak, covering everything, and only his golden eyes can be seen.

"Such a pity, I expected you and your friends to not be so weak." His eyes glimmered with death.

"What are you planning to do with us!" Thalia exclaimed and I could see her wrists getting red from her struggling against the chains.

"Dear Thalia, I believe you and your friends deserve an explanation before your death. So therefore I shall give it to you." Kronus glided across the room and ran his wrinkled finger on Thalia's skin. I saw Thalia's hair stand on her arms and she immediately turned her head away.

"Don't you dare touch me." She growled and the lights in the room flickered. The idea of using our powers without our weapns passed my mind, but then I remembered what Chiron said: Our weapons help us control ourpowers. If we use our powers without it, more damage will be inflicted and people who weren't meant to get hurt will get hurt.

Kronus laughed and said, "Why bother putting up a fight against an opponent that will inevitably win? You see, dear demigods, that I'm rather weak right now, thanks to your parents' doing. But now, thanks to my loyal servats--" He indicated towards Luke and Serena who raised their head proudly, "--I'm getting stronger by the second so I can bring Olympus down along with my children. And by getting rid of you brats, my goal will be fullfilled easier."

"What does this have to do with me and Serena?" Selena snapped and for a moment I thought Kronus would punish her. Instead, Kronus laughed and continued,"I think all of you can guess that Selena and Serena aren't just demigods. They're full goddesses."


Sorry for the short chapter everyone! im currently working on a new story so my time's kinda limited ;P but anyway, i hope u guys check out Once A Spy, Always A Spy too :]

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