Chapter 19

157 9 13

POV: Virgil
Timeline: Present

TW: none, except for censored cursing

I squinted my eyes as light flooded through my room. I sighed, Mom must've opened the curtains to "let the sun shine in" she says.I felt two heavy things beside me and assumed those were my pillows and proceeded to push them off when I heard a small grunt from my left. Instantly my eyelids shot open and I look to my left, seeing Roman slowly opening his eyes as his head rested on my shoulder.

Then I looked around to see that I wasn't in my room, rather in the living room. Pillows and blankets were scattered, making a mess. I was stuck inbetween Roman and a still sleeping Logan buried in blankets and pillows on a couch. Memories of last night suddenly flooded my mind and it instantly made sense. "Wussa matter V?" Roman slurred, half awake.

"Get off of me sleeping beauty," I hissed, my right side feeling a bit numb. "I'll take that as a compliment, moody emo," Roman grumbled slightly, sliding to the floor. "Arguing already?" A smooth but slightly raspy voice said from my left.

"I'm sorry Logan, did I wake ya up?" I asked him. "No, I am just a light sleeper. No need to worry," Logan waved his hand dismissively, trying to get the blanket off of him. "Hey, is the ghost still here?" Roman pipped from the floor. "Oh yeah, Pat?" I called out. "Hm?" Pat replied from behind the couch.

I jumped at least two feet off the couch from shock and held my heart as its beats became fast. "Jesus Christ Pat, please don't give me a heart attack," I said. "Oh! Sorry Virgil! I didn't mean to!" Pat said, worried. " Pat, wherever you are, try not to scare Virgil. He just woke up after all," Logan said, looking around. "Sorry Logie, I'll try not to!" Pat giggled. "Uh, did he reply?" Roman asked. "Yeah, he said sorry and that he'll try not to," I said.

"Thank you Pat. I'm glad you understand," Logan said. Right then, my stomach growled, loudly. My cheeks warmed up, sometimes I hate you body. Roman snickered, "Hungry?" "Shut up," I snap. "We should probably go see if there is breakfast," Logan said. I check the clock to see that it was currently 8:20am. It was a Saturday but sometimes mom has work and if she did, she would have left already.

"Hey Pat, did mom go out already?" I ask, yawning slightly. "Yep! I saw her make breakfast too," Pat chirped. I sigh, I really need to help my mom more. "Guys don't worry, mom made breakfast before she left," I said. Roman nodded and made his way to the kitchen, Logan following behind as he tried to fix his hair and put on his glasses. I threw the blankets off of me and tried to fix my hair as best as I could. I looked at my reflection on the tv and I look like s**t because of my eyeshadow that was smeared on my face.

I sighed and decided to wash my face in the bathroom in my room. "Guys, go ahead! I'll be there in a bit!" I said before going to my room to clean up.

I put on a pastel purple shirt with dark purple words that spell "MCR" (which was made by my mom), black leggings, and wore a pair of purple slippers. I went in the bathroom to wash my face. I decided to put on my eyeshadow after I take a bath later cause I was lazy, and brushed my hair.

I walked out of my door and was greeted by Pat. "You look good! Kinda weird without the thing under your eyes though," He said. I smile a bit, "You think?" He nodded and I laughed. Do I really look weird without it?

I walked into the kitchen and was met with a table full of food. "Jeez mom made a lot today," I said. Roman noticed me and he fake gagged on his food. "You didn't wear makeup? Oh my god this is the sight of a lifetime. Are you really Virgil?" He said. "Oh ha ha, very funny Roman," I rolled my eyes.

F R I E N D: A Sanders sides Ghost AU [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now