"I want you back"

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I wake up from a good night sleep, that's so weird because I would try everything to have such a good night sleep but never could back when was back in the city... no wonder why Nina moved here. I don't care anymore, I'm here just to take her back with me... I don't care what happened with us a few years back, whether she cheated on me with Damon or not, I just know that I love her a lot and I'm here just to take her back...

 "Good morning Mr. Vincent", I hear a voice speak, I was excited to see ni-

oh wait it isn't here, where is she?

" I'm sorry doctor, but may I know where dr. Nina is ?", I asked the doctor standing in front of me.

" She is in her cabin, actually shes a bit stressed out right now and this wouldn't be a good time to disturb her and anyways she asked me to come up and check up on you?", she said looking a bit stressed too. dang, what is happening here?

" Sorry, but may I ask why is she stressed?", I ask politely, she looks at me strangely but I tell her how we were friends from New York, so she understood why I need to know.

" don't tell anyone I told you, she would get mad but the thing is that there's this company in New York that she contacted for a supply of medications for our hospital and for some reason the company won't deliver the products unless they can find their CEO who left the country without telling anyone and I heard the company was extremely good and we always used to get our supplies from this other company but it shut down so we found this new one and apparently it's the best one in New York but now they won't deliver the products so shes stressed about it.", she said and then left.

I have to help Nina out, I know people there I might be able to do something. I call my company up ... yeah, I left my mother's hospital the day she accused Nina of cheating on me and I never talked to her again but my company also supplies medications all over the world... oh my god wait what if it's my company that was supposed to provide her... shit is that why they named a really weird village countryside type of a location when I asked them where the medications were getting delivered too.

I look through my stuff, and find a phone... yes! 

"Mr. vincent... is that you?! omg we have been looking for you everywhere, we have all these deliveries to make can you please come back and sign for them... where are you?", my assistant asked

" okay Sarah listen to me carefully, send them all especially the one with the countryside one, the small clinic one, that's the most important, could you just sign on my behalf please?", I ask her almost pleading her.

" sure sir I could, when do you want me to book your return tickets for ?", she asked since she always does book my flights.

" Sarah, this time it's not just going to be me alone, and I don't even know how long it's going to take but if anything ill call you, thank you", I say. shes truly been very helping. shes a really good assistant. she buys my clothes, keeps track of my food and bills, almost like everything.

but now I must meet Nina. Today is my last day in her clinic since it's been like a good week and she won't even talk to me. I wear my black turtle neck sweater, put on a black leather jacket and some black jeans. I put on some boots, my favorite watch, and then I just comb my hands through my hair... done! today I felt like dressing up wow.

I walk down the hallway to see a door with Nina's name on it and I figured it had to be her office, before I could even walk in I hear loud yellings. since when has Nina become so short-tempered. jeez. I decided to wait outside patiently. after a couple of minutes, I see a bunch of doctors and nurses walkout, they seemed disappointed in themselves. I wait for all of them to leave and I just stood by the door while holding it open. I glance inside to see Nina sitting on a chair with her elbow resting on the table with her hands on her forehead. I could tell she was stressed. 

"Nina i - ", I get cut off by her again

" what are you even doing here??, I don't understand vincent, I literally asked you to stay away from me but you clearly don't get it do you? I don't want anything to do with you, I don't want to talk to you either. This entire week you have really troubled my staff and myself. get yourself treated and get out of here and go back home to your mother vincent. I don't want to even see you. anyways what are you here for ? to make fun of me or to laugh at me and show me how much great of a doctor you are ?" it wouldn't be shocking anyways since its something that runs in your family, they love to insult and embarrass people in front of everyone. don't they?", she said while taking all her anger out. I don't blame her I would be pretty stressed too.

" Okay I know you're mad at me but I also know that you need medications for this hospi-," and I get cut off again... Great!

" who the hell do you think you are to get involved with my hospital, stay out of this... its none of your business vincent. I don't need your help and even without your help we've been doing great so don't try to be the bigger person here and ill figure out and if you really want to help me then just do me a favor and leave me alone, ill figure this out like I always have...", and she keeps going on with her rant. but this time I've had enough I'm just gonna stop her right here.

"Nina, just stop and listen to me, the company that was supposed to deliver the medicines was my company, I'm the CEO that left without telling anyone, it was my signatures that were needed, now I've already called my assistant and within a few minutes you should be getting a phone call about the delivery, so calm down and stop trying to push me away, yes I made a really big mistake of letting you go earlier but the more you push me away, the more I'm just going to come near you so calm down." by the time I finish I realize she was in front of me and I was holding both of her wrists close to my chest.

after a second when we snap out of our moment, she backs off, harshly letting her grip out of my hands and she looked mad.

" don't don't you dare touch me again vincent!" she goes off on me

" you know what here watch me" as I held onto her wrists yet again and this time she tried to let go but I had a tight grip and as she kept trying I noticed a few tears running down her eyes. These weren't because of this right now, they were built up from years of frustration, I would know. I got shocked to see her cry and let her wrists go immediately. I've never told her this before but every time she cries my heart aches like someone is drilling a hole in there. it hurts really really bad.

"omg Nina I don't know how to make you believe but I truly love you and will do anything to get you back... I don't care what happened years ago, all I know is that I just want you back in my life, please Nina please," I said, maybe she will see my true intentions for her.

" there's no way in hell I'm getting back with you, its never going to happen, its better if you just return home and if I would've known before that the medications were from your company I would've never ordered them from you, now if you'll please excuse me I have to get back to my life.", she said while wiping down her tears which were definitely from the frustration.

before she starts to leave, I grab her wrists, almost spinning her around.

" I'm not going to let you off that easily. I'm only going back after you realize how much I love you.", I let go of her hands and walk right out of her cabin.

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