Fire vs. Fire

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damn, she looks just gorgeous in her white coat. I swear to god if she was my doctor I would be a patient for the rest of my life. I would just want to rent a room in this hospital to just get a glimpse of her. Just one sight would be enough for me, enough for  24 hours. She's like a drug. you get the high off her when she's right in front of you, and once she leaves, just then it starts wearing off and then you become desperate again to get that high again. You go crazy without it and that's how she makes me feel.... crazy just crazy about her. All these years without her have been hell. I haven't spoken to my mother or my brother since the day Nina left my life. I bought my own medicine supplying company and brought it to no.1.I had all the success and the power but all this time I didn't take care of myself or even look at myself in the mirror once, I was too ashamed for that. I hadn't smiled once, I basically became a workaholic and at night a drunk lost man. that's all my life consisted of and of course memories with Nina. that's what kept me alive through all these years.

" yup not so easily Nina, or is it doctor Nina ?" , I said with a slight smirk. shes flaming mad right now and I can see it right through her eyes.

" I thought you were helping us and don't forget we've paid your company for all these supplies so what's all this for?", she said.

" well you see the thing is weren't you all like I don't need your help and that I should leave you alone so I thought why not just leave you alone and you can do this all on your own but there is one option how you could save your hospital right now. just one option and if you say yes to it then you can have all the supplies ." I know this is the only way she'll keep me near her.

before I realize it, she walks over, grabs my hand and takes me to her office. she shuts the door behind her and turns to face me directly. she takes a step closer.

" What is this huh some sort of revenge. look I know you have a lot of money and if you're going to try to buy the only thing that I have,  then I'm never going to talk to you again. after last night, I really thought we were going to be mature adults and leave each other alone but here you are, getting in my business as usual. you know I really need these supplies right now but this hospital is my pride and joy and I've worked way too hard to earn this, for just some mamas boy to come and buy it off. " yup she just said that, until now I was really going to give in but not anymore.

" you know what, the reality is you never understood me. I wasn't here to buy your hospital.i know what it means to you and how much you wanted it, remember when we were working together, that's all you wanted and I always knew that. but to get these supplies you're going to have to let me work here. yup, you heard me, I'm going to be working here with you, by you.  if you agree to this then ok or else I could get my lawyers to buy this place." i really don't want to do that. I take 2 steps closer, were into each other faces right now. we could almost be kissing right now.

" and I mean it this time so don't test me." and I walk right out not giving her a chance to explain anything. even if she didn't agree for me to be working here I still wouldn't have bought this hospital. its a part of her soul, and I don't want to buy it, I want to earn it.

as I walk outside, Rico stands next to me and asked me about what happened and I told him and I could tell that he was a little happy for me, maybe cause I finally got the courage to do something. I know there's a part of Nina that still belongs to me otherwise last night when I crashed she could've just left me there instead of taking care of me. that's why I'm here now. I'm going to try my best to get her back. and I'm not going to leave unless I get her. her birthday is in 2 months and before that, I have to get her back.


I can't believe he just came in barging my life like that and now he's trying to take over the hospital like how could he even do that. he knew this hospital means everything to me and yet he wants to stoop so low to snatch that one thing away from me. 

I walk out and my entire staff is standing outside my room to know what's happening, including vincent and Rico.

" so good news everyone, there's nothing to worry about, we got the supplies and also we will be having a new member in our management team and its Dr. vincent from New York, he will be spending some time in our hospital with us so let's see how that goes, for now, I need a couple people to help me set up the supplies. thank you." okay everything will be good today, we got the supplies, new management I guess, nothing cant get worse now except for her and she's. walking over to me right now.

"I know what you're trying to do here. well played Nina but vincent is mine. you weren't there when he started his own company and you sure as hell weren't there to look after him when he used to drink all night and make it to work in the morning. so do me a favor and stay away from him or else I'm going to make your life a living hell." she seems really into him, I don't blame her, its the charms.

" you see the thing is that I have no interest in him, you can keep him, he's all yours." I mean it this time for sure.

9 pm

" alright Rico, I'm about to head home so see ya tomorrow morning." as I was about to get into the elevator and the doors were about to close right then a hand slips between the shutting doors to open the doors. as the doors slowly open up again, I see vincent walking in with a slight smirk.

" you going home?" he asked.

" yeah I'm going home, its 9, and Rico will take care of everything." I'm not even going to try to talk to him at this point, just small talk and get out of here as soon as possible.

" well there's this really good restaurant nearby, let's have dinner together.", he turns to me now, facing me directly.

" um no, there was no commitment about the dinner, were keeping this professional remember, so don't try to show this fake care now!", yeah like what's up with him, there's no way in hell I'm going.

" well too bad I didn't ask you, I'm telling you, and anyways I'm also part of the board members of this hospital so you kind of have to listen to me, and you do realize that we're the only ones in the elevator right now right? if I were you I'd be smart and just come to dinner with me instead of arguing here." god I hate that smirk, wait we are alone, but I'm not scared of him.

" Well first off just because you're one of the board members it doesn't mean you own me now, secondly I'm not scared of you so after this elevator opens up I'm going home and there's nothing you can do about it.", yeah right about now I regret saying this cause he starts getting real close. he's literally in my face right and the only this that's stopping is my hand on his chest.

" oh so now you've got guts too, I see. I can literally hear your heartbeat from right here and don't tell me that your pulse isn't rising right now. don't tell me that my touch doesn't make you feel a certain way, I'm not moving unless you answer me today." yup this is exactly what I didn't want and in that very second, it gets dark, pitch black.

" what happened ?" I asked, a bit nervous, and right then the emergency light a light yellow went on. and a ringing sound went on. just then I realized that the elevator had stopped working.

" babe, the lights went off, perfect," and he chuckles lightly.

" I'm not your babe and were gonna try to get out of here, I'm not just gonna sit here with you." and I walk up to the door and bang on the doors to see if someone can hear me, but there's absolutely no response. I try to get my phone to work but the network connection is so low.

just then I feel a grip on my wrist and something pulling me down. the next second I realize I'm sitting next to vincent, on the floor, with my hand in his hand and I rigorously try to get rid of his grip, but he just wouldn't let me hand go instead he brings up to his chest and wouldn't let go. 

great now I'm stuck here with my hand in his hand for a good 2 hours or maybe more, god knows how much more longer.

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