March 3rd, Monday

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Dear diary ,
Today started out with Vincent. Let's start with that. I was up at 9, took some notes , showered and then got ready for school. As soon as I opened the door I saw Vincent. And he walked right in .

Me : no wait you can't be here , I'm leaving for school

Vincent : well I don't care why haven't you been talking to me and you took all the shifts with the other residents but me ? Why is that and can I ask you why all of a sudden you have stopped answering your phone and the door ? I literally came everyday but you didn't even talk to me once so why is that ?

Me : I'm not bound to give you answers Vincent. I got busy that's all and now I'm getting late so if you will please excuse me.

I start to leave and then he grabs me arm and stops me.

Vincent : well I'm not letting you go anywhere until you tell me why the hell you won't talk to me.

Me : Vincent let go, I'm getting late I have to go now.

Vincent : well I don't care , answer me now why won't you ?

Me : ( frustrated and then gave it ) well cause you said were friends aren't we, well that's what I'm doing , I'm being friends. Friends don't spend all the time with eachother do they? Now I'm getting so late so I'm gonna go we'll talk about this later on .

Vincent : well I'm waiting downstairs in the car , I'll drop you off

Me : don't sweat I'm getting the train today so you can go to work too

I was about to leave for work when Vincent just stops right Infront of me on the street.

Me : what is it with you ? Just let me go okay

Vincent : the other when you told me that you weren't feeling good and I let you go , that was probably one of the biggest mistake I could have made , I'm not letting you go anywhere. You're coming with me right now.

Me : not at all. I'm an adult and I can make my own decisions, the train is about to come and I'm sure you're not gonna want to come in there since it might not be up to your standards, it's best if you leave  me alone .

I head into the train and the whole time Vincent was right next to me, I could tell he had never been to a train. He still wouldn't give up tho. He kept riding with me the whole time and then my stop came. I was starting to leave when he also kept following me.

Me : what are you just going to keep following me ?

Vincent : yeah if I have to then I will, Nina you really matter to me so why are you being like this ?

Me : I'm just gonna go to class

The whole day went by and I didn't see him and was doing perfectly well. After school Damon and I drove to work. I changed into my scrubs and decided to go to surgery. Damon kept trying to offer me to eat since I hadn't had anything since breakfast. When I'm upset I forget to eat or sleep. I can't even remember the last time I ate properly. While Damon kept trying to get me to eat something , Vincent was across from us and he left in anger and that's when I first noticed him.

Was he jealous of me and Damon , could he possibly think there's is something gojng in between us after all that me and Vincent had. Anyways I got ready to head into surgery. It had been about 3 hours and it was successful. Vincent kept asking me and this other intern questions as he proceeded with the surgery and we answered well. Everything was perfect but all of a sudden I felt something in my head . Something sharp like I got light headed real fast. I held onto Vincent's Hand for a second and he looked me right into the eyes and I'm sure figured out there's something wrong.

But then I was also mad at him so I didn't really say much instead kept going on with the surgery. After the surgery was over and we met the family and everything, I walked over to one of the on call rooms and was about to shut it when Vincent walked in behind me and shut the door.

Me : uh uh not right now , I'm hella tired and I don't even know what's going on with me right now I'm just trynna sleep

Vincent : well you held onto me mid surgery I need to know what's going are you okay ? Have you even eaten anything or were you stress studying all Night ?

As he kept talking my vision kept blurring and then the last thing I remember is being fallen Into his arms and him yelling for some medical assistance

And now like 5 hours later I'm here. It's 1am and I'm in a surgical bed with drips and Rico and Damon right next to me feeding me with their own hands. I look around for Vincent and haven't seen him since I've been up maybe he doesn't wanna talk to me which is understandable cause I'm being stupid and dumb . Just because I like him doesn't mean he has to so I'm just gonna let it go right here.

It's literally 3 in the morning and I can't sleep , how do people even sleep in hospitals, the smell doesn't help at all. Imagine the patients who don't even have any loved ones to check up on them , what does that feel like I wonder ? I should be grateful actually very grateful for having money , a roof , people who love me , I couldn't have imagined life without my family and friends so today I'm gonna drop each one of them a text and tell them how thankful I am for them because they're not always goijt to be there and sometimes it's important we express what we think, people need to hear their worth sometimes....

Anyways I'm gonna head off to sleeping , got an appointment with the nuero tomorrow to figure out what exactly went down, so gn for now ...

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