Chapter 1. Joining UA

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Izuku was a boy at this moment 7 years old. Izuku had to flee from his home a few years back when he learned about his quirk. His quirk was so amazing that villains began targetting him to get his power on their side, however he and his mother managed to escape and even moved to another town.

Izuku was heartbroken when he first moved away because he had to leave all his friends behind before saying goodbye, but when he went to school in the new town he immediatly made new friends. At first Izuku started off a bit shy and silent, he missed his home and his friends, But 3 kids opened him up and they were all still friends even after a few years. Their names were. Mirio Togata, Nejire Hado and Tamaki Amajiki.

They also trained their quirks together however Izuku was mostly improving instead of learning how to use his quirk, even at 7 years old, Izuku already had incredible graps of his power and was able to use it as if he had never done anything else. Izuku used his quirk as if it was as regular as walking.

Today, they were training again.

Izuku activated his full cowling as greenish lightning appeared around him for a little bit, Izuku then was able to run at incredible speed, untill he suddenly flew up and around. "Damn Izuku, stop showing off please" Mirio stated while scratching his head awkwardly. "I'm sorry, it's just, using my quirk is so easy" Izuku smiled.

"Well, you're already that good with your quirk, how about helping us?" Mirio asked. "Sure, i'd love to" Izuku stated. Nejire tried using her powers aswell as she first managed to shoot energy beams from her hands. "Wow Nejire, that was amazing!" Izuku stated with a sparkle in his eyes as he was amazed by it. "Thanks Izuku! say, i've been training something else, but i really need your help with it" She stated a bit embarresed. "Sure, just 1 sec, i'll ask Mirio and Togata if they need help with something" Izuku stated as he ran towards them.

"Hey guys, need any help here?" Izuku asked. "ehh yeah, i know what i have to do, but i have to do alot of steps for even a simple movement" Mirio stated sweating. "Hmm, what about if you picture it in your head?" Izuku asked. "What do you mean?" Mirio asked. "Well, for example, right now you're thinking about what you've gotta do right? well then what about if you just picture it in your head what you have to do?" Izuku explained.

"So you mean, instead of thinking step by step what i have to do, i should use my quirk while imagining what to do?" Mirio asked. "Yes, for example, punch through my hand with you're quirk like you usually use it" Izuku stated.

Mirio then used his quirk but Izuku noticed that Mirio had trouble concentrating and using his quirk, but he managed to get through his hand with trouble. "Alright, now do it again but this time, just imagine your fist ground through my hand and just use you're quirk as you see it in your head" Izuku stated.

Mirio nodded, and his first try, his fist landed in Izuku's hand, however the second time it went through his hand alot easier. "Hey it worked!" Mirio stated while smiling. "Glad it helped, well for other things, you'll just have to train on timing" Izuku stated as Mirio smiled at him.

"Tamaki do you need any help?" Izuku asked but he noticed Tamaki doing pretty well. "Tamaki you're doing pretty good, i think what's holding you back around others is the fact that you're really shy" Izuku stated. "Well yeah, i guess that's true, but i'm not that shy around you guys since you all are like Family" Tamaki stated with a smile. "Well, we are a big family aren't we" Izuku said with a bright smile as they all smiled.

Izuku then walked towards Nejire. "Alright, i'm ready, what did you need me for?" Izuku asked. "well, you see, i've figured out i can use my quirk to float just like you" Nejire stated. "Wow really!? that's amazing!" Mirio said as he heard about it and walked up to them. "Can you show us?" Tamaki asked as he too joined them.

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