Chapter 4. Worried

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hi guys, lately i've been watching like alot of anime XD

And i've gotta say i found a few which are actually pretty good, such as Black clover, Owari no seraph, guilty crown, fire force and alot more :D and i'm trying out even more Anime so it might take longer to create chapters. Sorry!

It's been a few hours after the attack on the USJ. Izuku had just woken up in his room but was still very tired from the fight and his muscle's were aching like crazy. "How did i end up in my bed?" Izuku silently said as he got up. He then noticed he still had his hero suit on so he changed into his normal clothes before walking out of his room.

Once Izuku got downstairs everyone, except for Bakugo and Todoroki ran immediatly towards him. "Izuku! are you alright now?" Momo asked. "Yeah i'm alright, although my muscles hurt like crazy" Izuku said a bit weakly. "How did i get in my room though? i remember talking to Nezu then falling and Uraraka catching me but that's all" Izuku stated.

"You ehh you fell asleep against me" Uraraka stated while blushing. "Oh i'm sorry, i didn't mean to let that happen!" Izuku stated "It's alright i didn't really mind it at all! you saved us afterall, you specially saved Aizawa and Asui" She stated. "That's right, if you hadn't kicked him away before Aizawa's quirk stopped then i would of been killed back there" Asui stated very uncomfortable.

"Are you alright though?" Izuku asked concerned. "Yeah why wouldn't i be?" she lied. "Well, you were almost killed today, i felt like crap for less" Izuku stated. "I'd understand if you were afraid and upset right now" Izuku stated. "Please just stop" She then suddenly said as she walked closer and placed her head on his chest.

"I was pretending, so no one would have to see me like this, but in fact yes, i'm terrified of what happend" She said as she began crying. Izuku placed a hand behind her head and the other on her back as she cried it all out. Suddenly everyone joined in as it became a giant group hug.

"i bet everyone was afraid, it's just our first week and we've already fought against a villain attack" Izuku stated. "I wasn't afraid at all, i'd wish it went on longer so i could of shown my power" Bakugo stated. "fine, next time that Nomu comes back you can fight it mister bigshot" Izuku stated. This silenced Bakugo as he witnessed just how powerfull and fast that nomu was as it almost took him out in the blink of an eye.

"Weren't you afraid?" Jirou asked Izuku. "Me? sure i was, who wouldn't be, i fought a creature that was able to kill All might, if i had slipped up even once i think i wouldn't have been able to fight anymore" Izuku stated. "Even so, you held off that creature on your own, and managed to beat it together with All might" Shoji stated.

"Speaking of All might, does anyone know how he's doing?" Izuku asked. "We don't know, we weren't allowed into Recovery girl's office" Uraraka said. "So could you explain something?" Mina asked. "Sure what is it?" Izuku asked. "WHY CAN YOU FLY!?" she suddenly blurted out. "Oh yeah, you've never told or showed them, did you?" Asui asked.

"No i don't believe so" he answered. "wait you knew tsu?" Mina asked surprised. "yeah, so does Ochaco, he showed us when we met his friends" She explained. "So why were we the ones left out?" Ojiro asked. "It wasn't really left out, i just wanted to surprise you guys in a training with it, but then that attack happend and i used it" he stated.

"I can fly though my quirk, i don't really know why my quirk let's my fly, but i can if i use my energy from my Full cowling" Izuku explained. "Can you show us again?" Ojiro asked. Izuku then used his full cowling and slowly floated up towards the ceilling. "Wow" Mina stated as she saw it.

"Yeah, it's pretty nice to be able to fly like this" Izuku stated. "Can i ask something?" Todoroki asked. "Sure what is it?" Izuku answered. "How is it, that you stood a chance against that thing, but All might didn't even though that thing was created to kill All might" Todoroki asked. "That i don't know, i know i was a little faster then that creature, and i sended it flying by hitting weak points but my attacks really didn't any damage, the only damage i did is with that last barrage together with All might" Izuku stated.

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