Chapter 9. Fight and license

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Sup guys, before i start this fanfic i want to say 2 things.

first, my mind is a strange one, everything i think of, or everything i read, and even everything i write now, i can image in my head, even like some sort of video, and i just noticed, that i had some dbz vibes, i made Izuku charge in while protecting All might, but the part where he just shot towards him with a cloud of dust. However when i had dbz vibes, i did some research and found out it was because of the fight Gohan vs cell, Gohan charges at some point to take a blow for Vegeta which could kill him, only found that out when readed it at work again.

Second, To be completely honest, i don't like this fanfic of mine even though i write it myself, I do like some parts, but for the most parts i really don't like it, however i will finish the fanfic, (Although i don't know yet where and how to end it) For multiple reasons, I don't like to leave things unfinished, and there are still some people who like my fanfic, and i can't leave you guys hanging now can i? :P

With those things said, enjoy another chapter!

Izuku had finnaly woken up, and was back at UA, he decided to surprise everyone by just showing up instead of letting them know he woke up, and everyone had given him a big group hug, aswell a surprise from both Asui and Nejire who both kissed him.

The teachers didn't know about him coming back, so he went with his class towards their classroom, once they got there, Bakugo walked upfront. "You're all late, what the hell took you all so long?" Aizawa asked annoyed. Suddenly he was surprised when Izuku walked in as last.

"Izuku? You're back!?" Aizawa stated surprised. "Yeah, apparently i woke up yesterday just a little after Mirio, Nejire and Tamaki left, but i'm all good now" Izuku explained. "I see, well, then i have to bother you with a question right now" Aizawa stated.

"Sure go ahead" Izuku stated. "The provisional license exam is next week, do you want to sit this one out? or are you good enough to go?" Aizawa asked. "Hmm hard to say, i've been unconcious for 3 weeks, and my body felt sore after 3 weeks of not moving, i honestly don't know if anything changed in my power, or in my body" Izuku stated.

"I'd like to test it if that's alright with you" Izuku said towards Aizawa. "How do you want to test it then?" Aizawa asked. "Well, let me fight Mirio, Tamaki and Nejire, they are the top of UA right? if my power really is still the same i could put up a good fight, if it's less then normal, or if my body isn't good enough to use my quirk right now, then i'll lose and sit this one out" Izuku stated. "Alright, then, i like you're optimism" Aizawa stated with a grin.

Aizawa told snipe about what was going on, since the big three were actually his students and they had to be in class already. Snipe was surprised about Izuku's awakening but even more by Izuku wanting to fight the big three right from the start.

Izuku, the big three and Class 1A stood outside for Izuku's fight with the big three. They were waiting for Aizawa to get back, however once he did, he was being followed by all the teachers and students. "Sorry guys, i told snipe about it, but once he heard, he shouted it so hard the entire class of his heard it and wanted to see it, while walking out they were so noisy that the others heard aswell and wanted to see" Aizawa stated scratching the back of his head.

"Don't forget about me!" Nezu stated from Aizawa's shoulder as he just climbed up from Aizawa's back. "Hello Nezu sir" Izuku stated with a smile. "Hello Izuku, Welcome back, i'm glad you're awake again and in good shape" Nezu stated. "It's good to be back" Izuku stated softly.

"So tell me what's this about? i heard Izuku was fighting the big three, but i've got no idea why" Nezu stated. "I asked him if he wanted to sit out or join in on the license exam since he had been unconcious for 3 weeks, this is Izuku's way of testing if he's completely back" Aizawa stated.

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