Chapter 10. Deadly fight

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Do you guys watch alot of Anime? i've recently found a pretty good one, sadly it has only 1 season so far and only 12 episodes, i hope it continue's though, it's called chivalry of a failed knight, it has some epic fights in it and i really love it.

Well, on to the chapter!

Class 1A all got their licenses and went back to UA. The big three was waiting for them to congratulate them on getting their licenses and becoming semi-pro's. "Hey guys, how did it go?" Mirio asked with a smile. Everyone then cheered while holding their license up, except for tokoyami, Todoroki and Bakugo who just held it up to show. "Awesome! congratulations everyone!" Mirio stated.

"Well, everyone did a good job, but thanks to Izuku our exam had to be harder" Uraraka whined. "What does she mean?" Tamaki asked towards Izuku. "Well, we were asked to do rescue training in groups of 4, however, my team also had to face Gang Orca and his men" Izuku stated.

"Wow are you serious!?" Nejire and Mirio asked in unison, Nejire had a curious face while mirio looked amazed. "Yeah" Izuku said while nodding. "So how did that go?" Nejire asked. "Well, we rescued 2 people, but then Gang Orca showed up and attacked us, I made Asui and Uraraka escape and save the remaining people, i was holding off Gang orca and his men, afterwards when i noticed they were done rescueing, we noticed that the exam wasn't over so we had to beat Gang Orca, I showed my location to Asui, Uraraka and Iida as we made our way to a part with a forest, we splitted up while using our surroundings and took care of all his men and even defeated Gang Orca together" Izuku explained.

"That's really awesome!" Mirio stated. "You did what now?" Nejire asked. "Just calm down, i was only fighting defensive, and only buying time, i only went offensive in the forest" Izuku stated. "Alright then" She sighned.

They all walked towards the dorm as Aizawa walked back to school when suddenly ice shot infront of the group. "Todoroki?" Izuku asked curious. "Don't tell us you forgot Izuku" Todoroki stated.

"Forgot what?" Izuku asked. "You told us you'd fight us if we got our licenses, and what do you have in your hand there?" Bakugo asked. "my license" Izuku stated.

Bakugo then launched himself at Izuku. "Wait guys, do we really have to do this here and now?" Izuku asked. "Don't try to get away from this!" Bakugo shouted as he slapped Izuku with an explosion. Izuku was just intime to activate his quirk aswell as block the blow. Izuku then quickly jumped away.

"Get back here!" Bakugo shouted as he shot after him with his explosions, Todoroki ran after them aswell, eventually they reached the training field where they did their fitness test at the start of the year.

"Stop running you coward!" Bakugo stated as Izuku stopped there. Bakugo shot towards Izuku as he went straight for Izuku's face with an explosion, however once he activated his explosion, Izuku dissapeared and suddenly stood next to him as he tried to punch Bakugo in the face. Right as his fist got close to Bakugo, Todoroki used his ice to block the punch. The punch from Izuku broke the ice, but this had given Bakugo time enough to create some distance.

Their classmates and the big three finnaly showed up, although they were a bit worried by Bakugo suddenly attacking like that. Aizawa also showed up as he had heard the commotion before he reached the school. "what's going on this time?" Aizawa asked. "Bakugo and Todoroki thought it was time to fight Izuku" Mirio stated. "Interesting" Aizawa stated.

"Do you find it interesting that you're students attack eachother?" Tamaki asked. "no, but it's interesting to see Bakugo and Todoroki work together, as no one would expect this duo" Aizawa stated.

"I've got to admit, i never would of expected you 2 to fight together" Izuku stated. "See what i mean?" Aizawa asked. "But do you really think you guys have what it takes?" Izuku asked. "Ofcourse we do, we've watched you longer then anyone else, and have seen you fight alot of times" Todoroki stated. "well that's true" Izuku stated. "that would definetly be an advantage for you" he addded.

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