Chapter 8. Get Izuku back.

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Aizawa and the Pussy cats arrived and but they were too late as they saw a beaten up Izuku slowly being taken away in a warp portal. Once he dissapeared, so did the portal. Mandalay was able to tell him to stay strong and fight with everything he's got through her quirk before he dissapeared.

Once he was completely gone, The students ran out of the bush towards where Izuku was taken, Even Bakugo was horrified but what just happend. "You kids were here? What happend!? Why didn't you help him?!" Pixie bob stated panicked.

"Because, we couldn't" Iida stated. "What the hell is that for an excuse!?" Pixie bob shouted. "Calm down Pixie bob, Iida can you explained for us please?" Mandalay asked. "When we arrived, Izuku was already being pummeled, he couldn't do anything against them, we wanted to help but he noticed us and shook his head to tell us to not come out" Iida stated.

"Why would he do that? and why wouldn't he fight back?" Aizawa thought out loud. "What do you mean he didn't fight back?" mandalay asked. "tell me, did you see wait thats it" Aizawa then stated. "What's it? can you please explain?" Mandalay asked a bit worried.

"I found the reason Izuku wasn't fighting back" Aizawa stated. "Tell us!" Pixie bob stated worried. "It's... because of us" Aizawa stated. "Wait, what?" She then asked. "I don't quite understand that either" Tiger stated. "You do right?" Aizawa asked the students who looked confused as Bakugo then nodded.

"I do, if he releases his power, he can blow people away from him, the villains didn't know that so he could of used it to create an opening, but if he did that, he would of blown away the others and shown the villains they were there. For some reason they were after Izuku and me, so they wouldn't kill us, but they wouldn't hesitate to kill the others" Bakugo explained.

"You mean, he took this hits on purpose!?" Iida asked worried. "He probably did, and i think he's waiting to find an opening and fight back in an open spot where he doesn't have to worry about others" Aizawa stated.

"We'll go back to UA, we'll tell the police all we know, we have to find their hideout as soon as possible, if this fight starts he'll need our help" Aizawa stated as he quickly ran back to camp and gathered all the students as they then quickly headed back to UA.

Aizawa dropped off at the police station to tell them everything he knew, as well as the villain he saw, they told him they had some leads on that person. "You do!?" Aizawa asked. "Yes we do, we've seen some suspicious people walking in and out an abandoned bar, and 1 of those people matches your describtion" The police officer stated.

The students had made it back to UA, Aizawa had called Nezu that they were coming back because of something that happend, however Nezu didn't know what exactly happend, but the big three ran towards them as they saw the bus and class 1A.

"Hey guys, why are you back so early?" Nejire asked as she then noticed frustration and sadness in the students their faces. "Did something happen? and where is Izuku?" She asked. Mirio frowned as the students their faces went worse and worse untill Asui started sobbing. "He's been taken away" She stated.

"What did you say?" Mirio asked as he became completely white with a cold chill over his back. "It happend right infront of us, he was being beaten by Nomu's and villains, eventually he was taken away by the villains" She explained sobbing.

The big three were completely silent after hearing that, so was Nezu, Izuku was taken away, possibly the strongest person in UA, the person never expected, was taken by villains. "but wait he was beaten aswell?" Tamaki asked.

"He was" Iida stated. "How badly?" Mirio quickly asked. "Very badly as far as we could see, he had slash wounds on his chest and back, aswell as blood coming from his head and from his mouth, he probably also has burn marks" Iida explained as they all got wide eyes, even the students who hadn't seen it.

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