Chapter 11. End of the league

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"We weren't able to find All might" Izuku stated.

"How can that be!?" ryukyu asked. "I don't know i looked all over, however i couldn't find him he was nowhere to be seen" Izuku stated. The tv in the room was silently on, but the channel suddenly changed as Tomura got on screen.

"Good day Ladies and gentlemen, Did you like today's show?" Tomura asked. "Sick basterd" Ryukyu stated. "I'm sure all of you would know by now, but UA has been completely destroyed, and all of the teachers and students have been taken out, there were a few who were away though" Tomura stated.

"You were probably wondering, how did the most prestigous hero school get destroyed so easily, that might be thanks to my new little Nomu's or known as High end Nomu's" Tomura stated. "However i had 9 of them, but 1 of them isn't coming back, so i have a feeling that he was taken out, if that's the case i know exactly who did it, and that he's watching, aren't you Izuku Midoriya" Tomura stated with a sadistic smile.

"Did you like the surprise when you got back from saving you friends from overhaul?" he asked as Izuku gritted his teeth. "We were certainly enjoying it, The Nomu's took all of you're teachers down with such ease, and the students also fell one after the other, Your principal was persistent though and was slowly figuring out a plan, so we got rid of him" Tomura explained as Izuku got up and clenched his fists.

"Oh but you might miss someone don't you? probably the former symbol of peace maybe?" Tomura stated with a sadistic grin. "don't worry, you don't have to look anymore, i took care of him with my own hands to avenge my master, he's nothing more then a little dust in the wind" Tomura stated as Everyone gasped with wide eyes.

"Now, i'm thinking you would want to destroy my nomu's and take us down right? for all the evil deeds we commited and to get revenge for you friends, and everyone else at UA, come right ahead, we're just at the edge of town and we'll be waiting for you, let's see if this country's last hope can stop us" Tomura stated before he began laughing.

"That's it!" Izuku stated as he activated his quirk. "Izuku no! stop!" Mirio stated as he grabbed Izuku's arm when Izuku wanted to go there. "Let go of me Mirio!" Izuku stated. "No calm down!" Mirio stated. "I said let go! i don't want to hurt you!" Izuku stated.

"Izuku what are you saying !?" Nejire shouted. "Stay back Nejire" Mirio stated. "Just calm down, we'll gather other hero's and go as a group" Mirio stated. "I said let GO!" Izuku shouted as he kicked Mirio in the stomach launching him into the wall.

Izuku then ran out of the room. "Izuku..." Nejire said silently as she couldn't believe what she just saw. Mirio then got out of the wall. "He can't control himself anymore" Mirio stated. "He managed to push his power down so it wouldn't hurt me too bad, but he can't control his body anymore because of his anger" Mirio stated.

"Ryukyu please call every pro you can and send them there!" Nejire stated as she ran towards the door. "what are you going to do?" Ryukyu asked. "I'm going after him! he won't be able to fight this battle alone" Nejire stated. "We're coming too" Tamaki stated as all 3 of them then ran out.

Izuku was running through the hospital at high speed in a rage, he managed to avoid bumping into any of the people, however some were shocked by Someone suddenly rushing through like that. He eventually managed to get outside as he then placed his hand on the floor and made an incredible big jump towards the place Tomura told him they would be waiting.

In just mere seconds, Izuku arrived at the place, Tomura had kept the lifestream on, and everyone saw Izuku arrive at the place.

"Ah Izuku, I see you've come, tell me, what did you think of UA now?" Tomura asked but Izuku just looked with a scary serious look. Izuku kept his fullcowling active as the lightning intensified more and more.

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