Chapter 2. Combat

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Izuku had gotten his letter, he passed the exam and was now a student of the hero school UA high. He knew he did pretty well and destroyed alot of robot's but he didn't think he would get so many points.

Afterwards, Izuku got information about living in dorms, but he already knew that since Mirio, Tamaki and Nejire are friends of his who already started 2 years before him. Izuku went downstairs to tell his mom about the good news as he, when she heard about it, she told him she would cook his favorite food katsudon, while Izuku would get his stuff ready, school would start next week, it wasn't like he wasn't prepared but he was a bit nervous about it.

After he had packed for the dorms, his mom told him dinner was ready as they then went to eat. Afterwards Izuku went for a walk, when suddenly after some time he heard someone cry in fear. Izuku activated his full cowling as he then used his power to scan the area as he then felt 3 people, 1 good, 2 bad. Izuku ran towards them as quickly as possible.

Once Izuku arrived he saw a girl on the ground as she tried to crawl away from 2 villains. "You shouldn't have provoked the villains like that, it's time you face the concequences" A villain covered in hands said. He then grabbed her arm but once he did, The girl started to scream even harder. Izuku thought it was jjust out of fear, but once he looked closer, he noticed her arm crumbling away untill she died and was nothing more then a pile of dust.

"Ah i see we've got a spectator, or do you want to face the same as her?" The villain coverd in hands asked as he faced towards Izuku. "Tomura Shigaraki we don't have time for this right now, she was our target, now that she's been taken care off we have to leave" The other villain stated. Izuku looked at it but noticed it was a person covered in black fog.

"You're right Kurogiri, let's go" Tomura said as Kurogiri opened up a warping portal. "Don't worry kid, this won't be the last you'll see of us" Tomura stated as he then dissapeared. 'Dangit, i never expected such a quirk, and because of that i was frozen in place without being able to move... i couldn't save her' Izuku thought as he gritted his teeth.

"Tomura Shigaraki and Kurogiri huh?" Izuku said silently as he then looked towards the sky before heading back home. Izuku stayed silent about what he witnessed to his mom, as this would only worry her.

Time flew by and it was finnaly time for Izuku's first day at UA. He arrived at the school with his bag, A man with bags under his eyes, dark clothes and a weird cloth around his neck stood there waiting for students. "Izuku Midoriya?" He then asked. "Yes sir that's me" Izuku as he then was given a piece of paper. "This is the layout of the dorm, once you reach the dorm, place your stuff in your room and go to your class, you'll have time to sort out your stuff after school" The man instructed as Izuku nodded.

"As for where the dorms are" The man started as then Mirio showed up. "Hey Izuku! come here, i'll show you the way to the dorms" Mirio stated looked at the man as the man just nodded. Izuku walked besides Mirio as they walked towards the dorms.

"You ready to start your training here at UA to become a hero?" Mirio asked. "I sure am, although i'm a bit nervous" Izuku stated scratching the back of his head. "Don't worry we were all nervous when we first got here" Mirio stated. "Mirio, i've got to tell you something" Izuku stated a bit sadly.

"What is it?" Mirio asked a bit concerned. "Well, last week we all got our letters that tells us if we passed or failed, afterwards i went for a walk and heard a cry of fear, i immediatly went there" Izuku stated. "What happend then?" Mirio asked curious. "Well, i saw 2 villains attacking a girl, 1 of the villains grabbed her arm, i wanted to step in but suddenly her arm crumbled away untill eventually her whole body had crumbled away, the villains got away and i wasn't able to move even a muscle" Izuku stated while gritting his teeth.

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